Random popcorn thoughts ….


1.  Can you believe that this time next week will be CHRISTMAS DAY?   I can’t either!  Where did the month of December go?

I love the Christmas season, though for Christians — we celebrate Jesus all year!

I am so amazed that God sent His Son here as a baby!   I am amazed that Jesus willingly gave His life for me and all of my sin.   Yes, Merry Christmas!

2.  On another note, why are people so angry?   No matter where I go, I see angry people.   This morning I listened to Joel and Victoria Osteen on Sirius XM and he even talked about this subject.   I naturally just smile at people and it is shocking when people don’t return the gesture.   People don’t have joy.   They don’t have peace.   They don’t have Jesus.

I walked out of my house last weekend to walk Roscoe (our Lab puppy).  As we walked into our yard we saw a Christmas tree customer with a dog.   She noticed Roscoe and started walking over.   We did the “what type of dog — how old — what is his/her name” conversation.  It was going well enough until she asked where we got our dog.   When she found out that we purchased him from a breeder she stepped up on her invisible soap box and told me how I should have gone to a shelter to rescue a Lab.   I told her we wanted a full blooded Lab puppy.   That answer wasn’t good enough for her.   She continued to verbally discipline us for our decision.

She rescued her pit bull who once belonged to a drug dealer.

Though I was quiet, this lady was getting really frustrated and said that breeders should be banned.   Hmmm.  Okay.   My daughter and I just stood there — surprised and not quite sure how to take the conversation in a good direction.   I finally just said, “Enjoy your time here on our farm.”     Whew.  The world is full of angry people who spew their stuff on others.

Come on, who wouldn’t love this face?


3.  My hubby and I were coming home from the mountains on Sunday and landed on Joel Osteen’s Sirius channel (128).   First, let me share that I remember watching his first church service in the arena when it aired!  I was flipping through DayStar and stopped when I heard the worship.  At that time, I had never even heard of Joel Osteen.   I remember weeping at the thought of that many believers meeting under one roof each week!   Second, I also saw the train-wreck of an interview he had with Larry King.  I have to admit that made me lose interest in Joel’s ministry because I felt like he failed big time with his response.   (Well, who doesn’t fail pretty much on a daily basis?)


I remember writing a small blog post about my feelings and a dear blog friend Peggy shared her thoughts with me and shared his devotionals that God often used to touch her.   I immediately deleted my post and felt sorry for my judgments.

On Sunday, Victoria spoke before Joel and I had tears gathering in my eyes.  God used her to speak right to my heart.   My husband and I both enjoyed Joel’s message too.  Again, I felt remorse for the things I had said.

I have heard many comment that Joel doesn’t teach depth.  Well, he definitely taught the Word of God and if we are hoping to get all of our spiritual nourishment from our pastors — then we are in trouble anyway.   It isn’t their responsibility to feed us all that we need.

If you criticize this ministry, how many people do you lead to Christ on a weekly basis?    Hey, I’m speaking to myself as well.

4.  Last but not least — I am so grateful for my little family.   I am NOT the best wife and mother, but God’s mercies are new every morning.  Right?   What a gift to know how it feels to be a Mom.   I am grateful!  I am so blessed that my husband allows me to be a stay-at-home Mom so that I can volunteer at our daughter’s school and be very present in her life.   Thank You Lord!  God’s timing was (and always is) perfect.

Ramble Ramble Ramble …  I guess I should bring this to a close.

I pray peace for each person reading this post.   I pray the real meaning of Christmas will fill your heart and that you will feel God’s love for you.

Joel Osteen photo credit.