I thought it would be fun to provide links to all of my posts about my girls!






My snazzy new coop!

My snazzy new coop!

Just in case you missed my last post, we have added six new chicks to our flock! We have two Buff Orpingtons named Buffy & Fluffy; Two Silver Laced Wyandottes named Belle and Dot; and Two Americaunas named Alice and Connie. Of course the new chicks needed a...

We Do Have a Choice.

We Do Have a Choice.

Yesterday we purchased six baby chicks.  Four of them are a week old, and two of them are six weeks old. I can't imagine how they must have felt -- shoved in a box, placed in a strange environment with big humans picking them up throughout the day.  It must be scary...

Delicious & Easy Fried Chicken Recipe

Delicious & Easy Fried Chicken Recipe

Several of my friends have asked about the delicious Paula Dean's Southern Fried Chicken recipe I recently discovered.  (Yes, I know this is cruel to post after Piper's big debut yesterday!) I have used it twice and discovered that I needed to make a couple of...

You will love Piper!

You will love Piper!

I know I have been quiet this week ...  Three different posts have been attempted, but were left in the draft pile -- incomplete. But something fun happened today!  My friend Debra stopped by for a visit this morning which provided a great photo opportunity for me to...

Feathers are in style!

Feathers are in style!

Good morning everyone! Many of you know we purchased chickens (26 to be exact) in March, 2011.   We created a chicken coop out of a shelter on the side of what we call the car house.   It was fine to start with and much bigger than what most chickens enjoy ... Did you...

Feathers, Eggs, and Smiles

Feathers, Eggs, and Smiles

We are now the happy owners of 26 Rhode Island Red Chickens!   Long before our daughter was born, I began to ask my husband to build a chicken coop -- with no success.  Then since our Princess has aged, she and I have really turned up the heat.   A few weeks ago...

The following posts are not mine, but are fun or offer some great information:

Chick Flicks are the New BH&G

 Things that Affect How Well Hens Lay

How to Help Chickens Survive High Temps