[Photo+on+2010-10-17+at+16.11.jpg]God (and my sweet husband) made a way for me to attend two night-meetings this past weekend.  The meetings were led by the Lord, but facilitated by David Dodd (pictured here).

Here is David’s bio that I borrowed from the web:

David Dodd is the founder and leader of Awakened Love Ministries. David travels throughout America and the nations of the world bringing a fresh word and a fresh impartation of the power of God’s Spirit through national conferences, prophetic healing revival services, and international miracle crusades. He speaks at youth camps and retreats to help train and equip young leaders in the power of the Holy Spirit. David carries a strong healing and miracle anointing with many instantly healed in his meetings by the glory, power and love of Jesus. David believes: “It is imperative that the presence and power of the Holy Spirit transform and change peoples’ lives.” He puts great emphasis on the practical preaching and teaching of God’s Word, bringing a balance between authentic supernatural encounter and solid Biblical truth.

He certainly has a passion for the Lord and his love for God is contagious!   The presence of the Lord was a sweet gift as we met Friday and Saturday night!

There were a couple of things that were pointed out during his meetings that I had never noticed before.

The first night, David talked about the night that Nicodemus came to see Jesus.

John 3:1-2
Now there was a Pharisee, a man named Nicodemus who was a member of the Jewish ruling council.  He came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him.”

Many of you reading this post are aware of what happened between the Jewish leaders and Jesus.  They accused Jesus of being a blasphemer and eventually had Him crucified.  But here in verses 1-2, we read where Nicodemus said, “WE” know that you [came] from God.   Have you ever noticed that it wasn’t JUST Nicodemus with that insight?   THE OTHER JEWISH COUNCIL MEMBERS KNEW AS WELL!  They had discussed Jesus and they acknowledged He was sent from God!   Wow!

On a totally different subject, Saturday night David Dodd discussed the WINDS in our lives.   Some blow in adversity, some blow them away.  I can’t share because I didn’t take many notes, but this particular comment completely stopped me in my tracks.

Before I share, remember locusts were sent as an adversity to the Egyptians.  The locusts were one of the plagues sent by God.

Exodus 10:13
So Moses stretched out his staff over Egypt, and the LORD made an east wind blow across the land all that day and all that night. By morning the wind had brought the locusts;

As most of you know, the Pharaoh didn’t let God’s people go and another plague followed.

David Dodd also discussed John the Baptist.   John was the prophetic voice calling out in the wilderness.

Ok, have you ever thought about what John liked to eat?


Matthew 3:4
John’s clothes were made of camel’s hair, and he had a leather belt around his waist. His food was locusts and wild honey.

The prophetic voice ate the locusts — the adversity!

Think about that!

Was there a key in all of this?  Why did God find it important to record what John ate?  Interesting isn’t it?

Just a little something to chew on.

David prophesied over all of us that the prophetic anointing on us would devour the adversity!  If that word is for you — receive it too!

I pray everyone had a wonderful weekend!

(Photo credit: David Dodd.)