Divorce of the heart? At the Well.

Divorce of the heart? At the Well.

Today I am joining the discussion At the Well (in pursuit of Titus 2). Sarah Mae at Like a Warm Cup of Coffee is leading the discussion about our husbands.Sarah Mae shared Matthew 19:3-9Some Pharisees came to him to test him. They asked, “Is it lawful for a man...

Want to worship?

I thought I’d share this new song that we sang at our church on Sunday. Take a minute to enjoy the words and the awesome rhythm. I love the way it climbs up and down the scales. There is just something about this song. It does something in my spirit.I have some...
Refute … hallelujah

Refute … hallelujah

I just had an “ah ha” moment this morning. My family has been accused of copying someone’s idea this year. Ok, I know this sounds strange, but bear with me (ha). Anyway, my husband and I were the only two who knew the truth because we didn’t...
Monday, rain, ut ohs

Monday, rain, ut ohs

Good morning Friends! This will be short, but I wanted to touch base. This past weekend was the busiest yet! If I could have gotten up from my post to take pictures of the crowd at our corn maze, I would have. I just had a neighbor tell me that our farm looked like...