by Beth | Aug 30, 2011 | Christian life, God, Holy Spirit, Jesus
What type of rare bird feet are you viewing? I’m just pulling your leg. This is actually a shot of the above-ground root system at the base of two stalks of corn. Some of our corn actually. Thank you for all of your prayers during hurricane Irene. Our corn...
by Beth | Jun 16, 2011 | family, healing, Holy Spirit
The things we women do to look cute! I needed some black sandals to wear to church last Sunday so I grabbed a pair out of my closet. I should have known there was a reason I NEVER HAVE WORN THESE SHOES! Look what they did to my toes. Yes, the...
by Beth | Jun 15, 2011 | Holy Spirit, life
For someone who doesn’t work outside of the home anymore (and by the looks of it – I don’t work IN the home right now), I sure do stay busy. Our Princess started her second summer of swim lessons yesterday! This year we have...
by Beth | Jun 14, 2011 | children, Holy fire, Holy Spirit, parents
Last night was very exciting! Joan Fitzgerald (a sweet friend who our Princess calls “Nana Joan”) is leading healing meetings at our church for three nights. If you are local, you really should come Wednesday night! Contact me and leave...
by Beth | Jun 16, 2010 | Christianity, Holy Spirit
I heard something the other day that made me stop and ponder!I was watching Paula White interview a brother in Christ who kept referring to the Holy Spirit in a way that seemed awkward to me, but it made sense. For example, he would say, “I asked Holy Spirit...
by Beth | Mar 5, 2010 | faith, Holy Spirit, Jesus, ministry, scripture
How can I even say THANK YOU?!?!? I had no idea!!! The precious people at the Internet Cafe have been taking nominations for the top 100 blogs for 2009 and I didn’t even know about it! I would have nominated so many of my friends if I had only known. Where have...