You can do that with mustard?

You can do that with mustard?

Today I’m linking with the Faith Barista to discuss how God is challenging me to keep my faith fresh! Let’s start with discussing the POWER of faith! Matthew 17:20 He replied, “Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as...
Placing something into nothing? Huh?

Placing something into nothing? Huh?

It takes a place of NOTHING to have SOMETHING placed in it. Does that comment make any sense to you?  Well, it is odd, I must admit, but it came into my thoughts this morning — inspired by the Faith Barista’s post today. Are you feeling empty? Dry? Alone?...
Use your mouth~

Use your mouth~

Yesterday I had a little bit of time to pick up Robin Bertram’s book entitled Shadows Among Us.  This is a 500 page book and I’m only at page 171 because it is so meaty!   Robin discussed PROCLAMATIONS.  A proclamation, according to the Merriam-Webster...
What do ears have to do with growth?

What do ears have to do with growth?

I spent time out on my deck reading the Word this morning and I noticed two of the potted plants that I “rescued” last week.  Do you remember the post I wrote where I saw something beautiful in the midst of the weeds?  Well, get ready for another...
Revival, Healing, America!

Revival, Healing, America!

I just received this article from The Elijah List and wanted to share it with you!  If you don’t receive emails from the Elijah List, you can visit them HERE.Most of you know my interest in healing, so obviously this article grabbed my attention. ...
Asking and Expecting!

Asking and Expecting!

I love today’s Small Straw in a Soft Wind by Marsha Burns (Find Bill and Marsha’s web site HERE):SMALL STRAWS IN A SOFT WIND by Marsha Burns — 4/26/11: Beloved, move through every hindrance that would keep you from progression. Refuse to allow...