Don’t stop!

Don’t stop!

Before I start my actual post, I HAD to share this prophecy bulletin I received this morning. Talk about perfect timing. Do you remember my post yesterday where I wanted to throw a temper tantrum? Read this: SMALL STRAWS IN A SOFT WIND by Marsha Burns — July 9,...
Sun on dry bones?

Sun on dry bones?

Today, just before the sun peeked over the trees, I decided it was time for me to sneak out of the house to have some quiet time.I felt dry friends. Bone dry. It is my own fault. My Lord hasn’t gone anywhere. It is ME. I chose to fill myself and my time with...
Sneezes and Dipping X 7?

Sneezes and Dipping X 7?

I’m still reading in 2 Kings and thought I’d share another interesting story with you.If you finished reading the scriptures I shared on Thursday, you read that the boy that Elisha raised from the dead sneezed 7 times. Well, the number 7 appears in this...
What do oil and death have in common?

What do oil and death have in common?

Last night I was reading in 2 Kings. It has been a while since I’ve read about Elisha the Prophet.I was amazed as I read different stories (Chapter 4) about people running to Elisha for help. Can you imagine being the local prophet? The weight and responsibility...
A Mimosa Morning

A Mimosa Morning

Happy Memorial Day my USA friends! I am so grateful for the men and women who sacrificed for my freedom.As you notice by the lack of red, white, and blue — this isn’t a “Memorial Day” type of post. Instead, this post is covered with lovely...
Are you being dipped?

Are you being dipped?

I’ve been on a love theme this week. God has been doing a work in my heart about love and about placing the needs of others above my own desires.I was taking our daughter to school on Tuesday and this scripture continued to manifest right before my eyes. At the...