It mocked me for years!

It mocked me for years!

My friend just wrote a post about the saying, “Bloom where you are planted” and it reminded me of my own story. Many years ago my mother-in-law gave me a little sign that read, “Bloom where you are planted.”  It hung on a long metal stick that...
MORE than life.

MORE than life.

Do you ever feel, “There must be more than this?”  Well, if you’re answer is “yes” then guess what, THERE IS MORE  Be encouraged! We could seek God our entire lives here on earth and still never grow stale or bored with all of the...
To grow, you must be pruned.

To grow, you must be pruned.

I’m joining one of my FAVORITE memes today!  Gypsy Mama gives us a topic and we write about it for 5 minutes.  Nothing rehearsed, nothing planned.  Just write and see what flows.  No editing or critiquing. Today’s topic:  GROWING Start: 7:53 Yesterday I...
It often escapes me!  Rest.

It often escapes me! Rest.

Today I will write for 5 minutes.  I won’t critique or edit my thoughts that flow within the 5 minutes.  The brilliant Gypsy Mama came up with this idea.  I’ll be joining her today to discuss the topic:  REST START: 5:20 I keep thinking of the scripture...