If you have followed my last few posts, you know that I have been seeking God concerning a particular decision …
Though I feel like a child crying out for Daddy’s direction, I have no doubt that He is making His perfect Will clear. I do believe there is a submissive Will, and IF I miss Him — His arm isn’t too short to save us and place us back where we belong. But who wants to miss Him and wander off course? I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to circle around a mountain that I have already traveled.
I have conflicting advice from people I respect. One of my dear prophetic friends feels God is calling me to walk through something very difficult for me. It isn’t my heart’s desire and is something I wouldn’t want to do in the natural. All of my prophetic heart-friends feel that this is a God-thing, though they know it is the opposite of anything I would do in the natural. But I have a conflicting report from a mature man of God in my life.
Father, come take Your place in the center of my heart.
Last night I repented for being a bit like Jonah refusing to go to Ninevah (not that these people are like the Ninevites, and not that I have refused). It has nothing to do with the people! It has everything to do with: “I want it my way Lord” versus “Whatever you ask of me Father, I will do.” But God does know my heart and He knows that I WILL do what He asks of me — and thankfully I don’t have to ride in the belly of a big fish before I surrender.
Do you ever struggle with your desires versus what God asks of you? I think this is one of the biggest things God has asked of me. Something awesome must be planned! That is all I can imagine.
John 21:15-16
So when they had eaten breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of Jonah,do you love Me more than these?”
He said to Him, “Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.”
He said to him, “Feed My lambs.”
He said to him again a second time, “Simon, son of Jonah,[b] do you love Me?”
He said to Him, “Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.”
He said to him, “Tend My sheep.”
God loves His people and He uses us to reach each other.
Love is unselfish and can be painful sometimes …
Hasn’t He always been faithful? YES!
Psalm 16:1
Preserve me, O God, for in You I put my trust.
Yes, I trust that my Abba Father knows what is best for me. He sees what tomorrow holds. My carnal nature and finite mind tries to put the pieces together to create a pathway of my own.
“Much-Afraid, don’t ever allow yourself to begin trying to picture what it will be like. Believe me, when you get to the place which you dread you will find that they are as different as possible from what you have imagined, just as was the case when you were actually ascending the precipice.”
― Hannah Hurnard, Hinds’ Feet on High Places
Last month I was re-introduced to Hind’s Feet on High Places again as I read the children’s version to our daughter. Little did I know that God was reminding me of my similarities to the main character, Much Afraid. And little did I know that I too would be asked to jump into the canyon of Full Surrender.
Are you ready to fully surrender?
Don’t answer that too quickly …