What is the definition of a bully you ask? The AOL online dictionary gives this definition: A person who is habitually cruel or overbearing, especially to smaller or weaker people.
It it my opinion that the creation of a bully can come from two different paths. 1. A wounded, angry soul. If someone carries around anger or an attitude, they may think they have the RIGHT to mistreat others. Most times, nobody holds them accountable because “well, that’s just the way so-in-so acts” …
Ecclesiastes 7:9
Do not hasten in your spirit to be angry, for anger rests in the bosom of fools.
Proverbs 51:1
A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.Proverbs 15:18
A wrathful man stirs up strife, but he who is slow to anger allays contention.Proverbs 16:32
He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city.Proverbs 19:11
The discretion of a man makes him slow to anger, and his glory is to overlook a transgression.Proverbs 22:8
He who sows iniquity will reap sorrow, and the rod of his anger will fail.
2. Pride or jealousy. Pride is a dangerous enemy.
Psalm 73:6
Therefore pride serves as their necklace; violence covers them like a garment.Proverbs 13:10
By pride comes nothing but strife, But with the well-advised is wisdom.Proverbs 16:18
Pride goes before destruction, And a haughty spirit before a fall.Proverbs 27:4
Wrath is cruel and anger a torrent, But who is able to stand before jealousy?
You can usually recognize a bully because strife and chaos seem to follow them like a scent. In their opinion they are always wronged, the victim — life and people owe them.
When face to face with someone like this, follow PEACE.
Matthew 5:9
Blessed are the peacemakers, For they shall be called sons of God.
Father, please help me be a peacemaker. Please help me walk in Your ways and only act in a way that will bring You glory.
So true! I need to remember that and teach it to my kids because they face more bullies than I do at this point in my life. Kids are mean. I guess we should try to see past their actions and pray for them, because obviously something is going on.
So true! I need to remember that and teach it to my kids because they face more bullies than I do at this point in my life. Kids are mean. I guess we should try to see past their actions and pray for them, because obviously something is going on.
I've been amazed that there are adult bullies out there…having encountered 1 myself. I realized that this person was acting this way and saying hurtful things because they are angry/hurt/whatever. I'm trying so hard to love this "bully", but it's hard! I've been thinking about that a lot though…being a peacemaker. Thank you, this was confirmation for me about some things 😉
When I clicked on today I just knew that you would have some really great scripture that hits home. I have to remember to start my days with you AND my devotions…then I am on the right track!
I love your heart and your willingness to help others who may be bullied right now. I praise GOD that I am not in a bullied situation, I just have to keep in check on my own bully-ing..Is that a word?
Blessings today! Tarah
Yes, we should absolutely follow peace. I always feels sorry for bullies because they do seem to be wounded souls.
Well Beth just been through your neck of the woods,whot a wonderful place did'nt come across one bullie.really nice people within the church's and out. thanks North Caroliner. LOVE TO YOU ALL. The Pod.
There are lots at my work [co-workers] but thanks be to God, for His protection and reminder of Who we really need to follow. Long time ago, my son and his friends were being bullied while having lunch at middle school. He told me he started praying for him and his friends and he was the only one not being bothered while the rest of his friends were being thrown drinks, being called names. They would just stare at my son but not say or do anything. So, thanks be to God!!!
Have a great weekend to you!
Oh, my…I've certainly encountered more than my share of bullies! Fortunately, there are only one or two whom I encounter these days, but I'm not their current target…for now, anyway!
Blessings to you, sweet Beth. Praying that God will shield YOU and your family from any bullies that come your way.
Love you,
AMEN sister
Great stuff! Thanks for sharing.
Just found your great blog through Too Many Heartbeats. So glad to meet you! I've added you as a friend 🙂
My son who is a special needs child was bullied in school. He would never tell anyone, he would always keep it inside because he did not want to hurt their feelings. Later he told me once that he did not tell because he knew deep down inside they were really nice. Although he was being bullied, he saw something in these kids which we did not. Yes, the kids got in trouble for bullying, yet they also got the chance to open up and tell why they were bullying Justin. Now, they are good friends. Isn't God wonderful.
You are right, there is always an underlying issue when someone starts being a bully. We must find out the reason behind their behavior. To do this we must walk the love walk. Yes it is hard, but with God it is so much easier.
Great post my friend.
Much love to you.
I really needed to read this today! Thank you for the peaceful reminders. ♥
Amen……and there also are "mental" bullies who say their snide remarks with underlying cruel tones…..or how about the "holier than thou" types who have that condescending edge? ick!
This was great…..and also a powerful reminder for me when I tend to get in a huff or get too defensive with certain people.
Powerful reminder.
I hope you are not being bullied.
Let's pray that the days of bullying at the school yard are over too!
Good Morning Beth,
As always I am always so blessed!Thank you for sharing. I especially am inspired by Matthew 5:9, my prayer is also to be a peacemaker and to glorify God in all I do.
A wonderfully timely post in light of what we've been going though this past week. Thank you!
Hi Dear Friend,
I stopped in to say hello and that I love you! Just trying to get around to some blogs today and of course yours always touches me and is a must read for my eyes.
In this fallen world of today, it's sad to say that so many are falling through the cracks, being shuffled around, harrassed, "bullied" and so much more.
I pray along with you, "Father, please help me be a peacemaker. Please help me walk in Your ways and only act in a way that will bring You glory."
Peace, Love & Hugs,
Great post, Beth!
Great post! Thank you for sharing with us.
Just "discovered" you through God among us . I'm so glad to meet you
Please let me be a peacemaker and please let me show the light of the Lord to the person who can only express themselves through anger.
Great reminder, Beth.
Love you so!
What a great reminder for us all, bullying is just plain wrong, why can't they just walk away, you know some do it to animals too, it's all sad, but what great points you have shared.
I will tell a few of my friends about this to share with others.
Blessings have a great week 🙂
I agree Beth!
I stand with the prayer you prayed at the end!!!
Blessings and peace!