It is Friday morning and I’m sitting here in the mountains. I can’t pull up my blog per se on dial-up, nor can I visit any of you, HOWEVER — I can create a new post. Yay!
I’m sorry I have already posted twice this morning and this will make THREE, but I just saw something I wanted to share.
I was sitting on the front porch watching the sun come up and reading God’s Word. I have a Life Application Bible that I leave up here and I really enjoy the way the scriptures are written in this translation. My eyes stumbled upon this and I immediately thought of the current administration and the absolutely wicked decisions that they are trying to force on America. Do I think our battle is against flesh and blood? YES! Do I think we need to repent and be on our faces? YES. Does the Word say to pray for our leaders so that all will go well with us? YES.
Psalm 94:19-23
Lord, when doubt fills my mind, when my heart is in turmoil, quiet me and give me renewed hope and cheer. Will You permit a corrupt government to rule under Your protection — a government permitting wrong to defeat right? Do You approve of those who condemn the innocent to death? No! The Lord my God is my fortress — the mighty Rock where I can hide. God has made the sins of evil men to boomerang upon them! He will destroy them by their own plans. Jehovah our God will cut them off.
This says it all doesn’t it? Condemn the innocent to death? Abortion is being pushed by this administration … now they want to make the decision if you should receive antibiotics when you are elderly? I think they are calling this something like “counseling” for the elderly. What — are we only permitted to live if we are healthy and strong in the eyes of man? God have mercy and thwart their wicked schemes!
Recently I had a procedure done in my doctor’s office. He said that IF President Obama’s plan were in place, I would have probably had to wait a year for such a procedure. Unless God would have intervened … I would have been in serious trouble.
I don’t usually post political stuff on this blog, but SOMEBODY needs to DO SOMETHING and SHOUT FROM THE ROOFTOPS! If the government has handled social security and welfare — with such a bang-up job (SARCASM) then why in the WORLD would people be crazy enough to think they could provide HEALTH CARE for Americans? Obviously no MAN can save this country. Only GOD. However, He does give us choices to make and He says if we ask for wisdom He will give it to us.
I’m sorry if you have different political views than this, but no matter what “party” you prefer, the bible is our moral compass. There are NO GRAY areas for a Christian. Good/evil, right/wrong, holy/unholy, God/satan …
Amen, speak it sister.
Well, Beth, I am a black and white kind of gal…I argree with you.
Hey Beth! AMEN!!! Have a wonderful time!
Amen girl! This is the truth…that's why I couldn't vote for him…the slippery slop has now started.
I know you've been keeping up with McMama and praying for little Stellan, and every time I go to her blog and read or think about him in any way, all I can think about is that if the government gets their way, not only would they have refused treatment for this little blessing, I fear the time when an ultrasound or some other test determines that an unborn baby is "defective" or has medical issues, they will force abortions on those mother's regardless of their desire. It scares me to no end, but I do what I only have left to do – pray and trust God!
AMEN! Thank you for this post.
You are exactly right, Beth, thank you. Hope you are having a great time.
I just wrote about this this morning and posted it, only it hasn't shown up in any readers yet for some reason (at least FB asn't picked it up yet). We've got to take action and stop and madness! Maybe it's the crusader in me fighting for justice and a noble cause, but right is right and evil needs to be defeated.
Have a blessed weekend, my friend.
we do need to shout it from the rooftops so people will wake up! in the most immediate future they are wanting to make it madatory to get a swine flu shot- filled with mercury and God knows what else for something they made into an epidemic! is this what you want to happen to you or your child? forced to fill them with cancer?!
Hey Beth! Love your writings from the mountains! And a hearty Amen to this post. Whether it's acknowledged or not the Bible is our moral compass. Have fun up there. we're all looking forward to YOUR corn maze soon!
From the looks of it in the heartland, it's going to be a great corn harvest this year! 🙂
Amen sister. You are so right!
Amen, sister! I wish everyone were that concerned! I hope one day that these people will WAKE UP!
Hi Beth!
I agree with you! Here in the UK our society is so so secular and you may have heard a story in the news about an assisted suicide case (check sky news website). The lady won her appeal.
Our government is creating a wee bit of a nanny state and is so PC (politically correct) about everything it drives me mad!
You are so right!
Collette xxx
Beth, I so agree! BTW living in the UK we have a National Health Service (NHS), and for serious cases the waiting line is silly … well, life threatening at times. The NHS doctors are totally overworked, they try their best. At times the NHS is brilliant and better than private, but that is rare.
I pray that God's will be done in your country!!
I went to the doctor today for high blood pressure. This white doctor said he felt very good about America and how the physicians are going to be rewarded for bringing down a patient's blood pressure reading through educating their paitents on exercise and eating healthier. The doctor said that otherwise, most doctors would just prescribe and keep treating the same patients, seeing them over and over and collecting insurance like they have been. There is a new incentive in plan for doctors to help make their patients healthier. So, i guess it depends on your doctor's political party on what view point you receive. And again, abortion was legalized waaay before Obama became president. Don't make this out to be a policy that was just implemented by Obama.
I appreciate everyone sharing their views.
Anonymous, I never said President Obama made abortion legal, but have you followed what this administration is doing and wants to do where abortion is concerned???
If not, please do some research. Everyone should be informed with what is coming.
I certainly don't want our tax money paying for abortions.
I don't want government making decisions for me – or choosing when someone should receive treatment.
Concerning my doctor, he is a Christian. I never asked him his political party.
Party doesn't matter, this is much deeper than that.
Sorry, Anonymous, but not only are you misinformed about the proposed healthcare "reform" and Obama's position on abortion and end-of-life "care," if I were you, I wouldn't go back to the same doctor again. He or she apparently thinks high blood pressure is only caused by lifestyle choices. He or she would seem to agree with the non-doctors in DC who think they know more about medicine than anyone, that all the health woes of America will be cured if we eat better and exercise. If that were the case, every person who was in excellent physical health, constantly eating right and exercsing, would never have heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, cancer, or a host of other medical problems. While eating right and exercising regularly is good for us, it is not the cure-all this administration, and Anonymous's doctor, seem to think it is.
Saying our lives will be healthier and our healthcare costs will go down significantly just by eating better and exercising more is as stupid and ignorant as saying we will bring down the price of gasoline by making sure we have the right air pressure in our tires.
And this doesn't even scratch the surface of the point Beth was making. This healthcare "reform" is nothing more that the government butting in where it doesn't belong, dictating who lives, who dies, who is treated, and who is left to rot (that is, if we don't "end their suffering" for them). It might be easy for some to think it's not going to be this bad, but when it's your loved one left to die because they're too young or too old (by the standards of some faceless beauracrat in DC), then you might change your mind. We're trying to save you and your family such heartache. Or imagine the government forcing genetic testing to see what you MIGHT get later in life, and then decide your life isn't worth it (too much money to treat you, just in case you do get sick, which is not certain simply by carrying the gene), so they tell you, you have to die before you get sick, just in case you might.
If the government has to convince 13 people (jury and judge) that one convicted murderer deserves the death penalty for their crime, why are we even considering allowing a small handful of people to dictate the health and lives of 300 million plus people just because they were born?!?!?!!! NO ONE SHOULD EVER BE GIVEN THIS KIND OF AUTHORITY. The fact that this is even being debated is sickening and despicable. God have mercy indeed.
Wow! I love the opinions on this matter! Research it out and everyone should stand by what they believe!
Preach it, Beth! I work in the health insurance industry (BCBS) and I find it amusing that as a company we opposed Obama's health plan. The amusing part is I'm sure the majority of my coworkers and bosses voted for him. The American healthcare system is far from perfect, but the government controlling it is not the answer! Going back to the comment on the blood pressure being lowered by lifestyle – Americans can definitely take more responsibility for how they treat their bodies (such as eating and exercise) but there are still plenty of issues that need to be treated medically.
Thanks for shouting it from the blog rooftops!
We take our eyes off of what Integrity and Honor are, what the Bible calls us to do and you end up where we have been since that first bite into an apple. Terrific post.
I find it very frustrating that our president wants to develop a national health care system when it has already been proven in other countries that is does NOT work!!!
I totally agree with you, Beth!
I find it quite funny that someone who doesnt have the facts, just posts as anonymous. LOL
You are so on with this Beth, and unfortunatley America got this one SOOOOOOO wrong. Obama does not have the experience to run this country. As for heatlh care, his views on abortion, the military, etc the list just goes on and on, we are in for a very long 4 years if it lasts that long. I pray that God gives them some guidance to change their ways and lead this country the way it should be led.
Love and Prayers,
Right on, Beth!!! And yes, the Bible is our moral compass and there are NO GRAY areas for a Christian! Amen to that! Some better wake up too!
Enjoyed this post and all the comments, too!!
AMen Amen!! I loved reading the comments. SO many of us share the same feeling that the government needs to stay out of health care and I say that as one who was turned down by BCBS cause I had a B12 shot and now am almost out of COBRA. I will be desperate soon but still don't want the government's plan.
I agree with everything you wrote Beth! Perfectly said!
Watched 20/20 (I think) last night that talked about all this…they mentioned Canada A LOT and what is happening here…There is woman in Canada that went to the States to get medical help. The Dr. stating that within a few weeks time she would have died (in Canada, she had a 6 month waiting time for the procedure, they stated it was not THAT necessary)
My mother, when she was told she had two months to live, and had to go for an you KNOW it was THREE MONTHS after she was told she had two months to live. I told my mother, 'you'll be dead by than if we listen to these Dr.'s". All I kept thinking about was those that don't have the Great Physician to help them, would they have died while waiting, (fear, worry, heart attack from all the stress, etc. ?).
Great post!!! PRAY!!!!
I agree, Beth! There are some really scary times ahead!
I just love that God is our fortress. In Him we can trust and have hope.
oh, do I hear you about the health care…i think I will go shout it from the rooftops!
Hi, Beth,
Thanks for even posting my view point earlier. Some people wouldn't have done that. Well, I guess we can agree to disagree. But I know that if we keep President Obama and our Nation in our prayers, that God almighty will prevail.
Stay blessed.
You're welcome Anonymous. I agree with you that we need to keep our president and our nation in our prayers.
2 Chron. 7:14
If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
I have to say though that I am concerned.
Some great points came out because you spoke the truth.
Amen & thank you.
I'll keep the Bible as my guide.