I have a family member who posed the question on her facebook status: Why can’t people who call themselves a Christian ACT like a Christian?
My response to her status was that we all desperately need Jesus and our “righteousness” is as filthy rags.
Isaiah 64:6
But we are all like an unclean thing, And all our righteousnesses are like filthy rags; We all fade as a leaf, And our iniquities, like the wind, Have taken us away.
I understand why she asked that question. Sometimes the actions of others can be SHOCKING. Often times we sit back and scratch our heads in disbelief. I’m sure I’ve asked myself the same question over the years.
Her question has stayed with me this past week.
I know the wickedness in my own thoughts. I know my own selfish nature, yet I love the Lord with my whole heart.
It isn’t my desire to hurt anyone, but sometimes due to my own wounds I don’t always react in a way that would honor the Lord.
Over the years I’ve often said, “Sheep bite!” Yep, we do, but so do non-sheep. We are all human and we all say/do things that we wish we could take back.
In my Word-filled Wednesday post I shared a youtube where a mom gave an object lesson to her kids about their words. She used a tube of toothpaste as her prop. Once the toothpaste was squeezed out, there was no way of getting it back into the tube. The same goes for our words. Once they are out there — THEY ARE REALLY OUT THERE. Arrows of LIFE or DEATH have been shot into motion.
None of us are perfect and we all have the ability to speak out of anger, hurt, frustration, resentment, etc …
Lately I’ve been sharing how God has been reigning in my tongue and giving me strength not to share EVERY opinion that comes to my mind.
Do I always get it right? UH, NO! I felt the Holy Spirit’s conviction today when I said something I shouldn’t have said. I am grateful for His correction.
It isn’t my desire to hurt anyone, but sometimes due to my own wounds I don’t always react in a way that would honor the Lord.
Over the years I’ve often said, “Sheep bite!” Yep, we do, but so do non-sheep. We are all human and we all say/do things that we wish we could take back.
In my Word-filled Wednesday post I shared a youtube where a mom gave an object lesson to her kids about their words. She used a tube of toothpaste as her prop. Once the toothpaste was squeezed out, there was no way of getting it back into the tube. The same goes for our words. Once they are out there — THEY ARE REALLY OUT THERE. Arrows of LIFE or DEATH have been shot into motion.
None of us are perfect and we all have the ability to speak out of anger, hurt, frustration, resentment, etc …
Lately I’ve been sharing how God has been reigning in my tongue and giving me strength not to share EVERY opinion that comes to my mind.
Do I always get it right? UH, NO! I felt the Holy Spirit’s conviction today when I said something I shouldn’t have said. I am grateful for His correction.
Proverbs 3:11-12
My son, do not despise the LORD’s discipline and do not resent His rebuke, because the LORD disciplines those He loves, as a father the son he delights in.
Doesn’t Joyce Meyer say something like this? I MAY NOT BE WHERE I WANT TO BE, BUT PRAISE GOD I’M NOT WHERE I USE TO BE!
We are all in a process on The Potter’s wheel aren’t we?
Romans 3:22-24
This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.
Father, please help us to walk in grace with one another …
You are always so inspiring in your posts no matter what they are about…I love you my friend.
You are such a precious blessing sis, love you.
I hear that so often too from my non Christian friends. In fact, some use the excuse of Christians acting badly who totally turned them off to God. That is so sad.
No, we still struggle with our flesh this side of eternity. We'll mess up and I do that often. But I think if we truly realized the love that God has for us, we'd be overjoyed and that love would spill over to others. Then He could love others through us. And even the unlovely and our enemies. I often ask Him for His eyes to see people. It changes my perspective.
But having said all of this, I know I fall way short of being a perfect example. I'm in process. I'm really glad you wrote about this subject Beth.
Love and hugs,
Thanks for writing down your thoughts and sharing the scriptures. I definately needed to read this today! ♥
yes, sometimes I am hearing also about those things, but to myself God is still on the process in molding us and I conclude that only God knows how deep our relationship with Him.
I am reminded that we are not perfect, yet those that are not christians "think" we are….and will quickly point us out if we err. But I do try to present myself as I feel God would have me be….not perfect, but striving to be more like Him.
But boy! do I struggle with the "mouth"…knowing that sometimes I say something and immediately realize the way it was said (harsh, irritation, cutting) was not the right way, but it's too late…just like the toothpaste example…can't put it back in! Our pastor has often said there has been more murders committed by our mouth…killed one's excitement, enthusiasm, hope….the list goes on. There is power in the spoken word….be it good or bad!!
Thanks for sharing this! Much needed.
This was a blessing to read…..thank you Beth!
The toothpaste reference is awesome…..reminds me of the nail in the fence one. (you can take out the nail, but the hole is still there)
I love that Joyce Meyers saying……might just use it for my FB status today!
Such a good reminder. Too often we expect perfection from those in leadership positions within the church, etc… we all too often forget that we're all in need of Jesus. Not one of us is perfect. Not one. Great post Beth!
Love, Lou
Praise God for His forgiveness, mercy and grace.
Praise God for His saving grace and forgiveness. We can be made new each day!
I love the Joyce Meyer saying and use it a lot myself. It helps when we're in those rough places!
God's blessings to you Beth!
Hey Sweet Beth! No one is perfect. Just like you said, we all do and say things that we shouldn't . That's just part of being human beings. That's what makes God and His love for us so precious. Regardless of what we do, he's always there to guide us. We just have to remember that no one's approval is more important than that of His. I want to try my very best to make Him proud. I just try to think of that, and it alone shows me the right way.
This was a great post! Hope you like the little concoction at the Five Moms.
Amen! Wonderfully written.
Great post Beth!
Thanks for sharing truth in love!
Blessings and love,
It's us who always mess up….But God doesn't change…People forget that truth. Praying all is well with you sister…Spending time with my family that's why I haven't been able to visit friends. God bless and protect you.
what a catchy title, clever girl 😉
But I'm pretty sure in all my years (4) in FFA none of my sheep ever bit me ;)..however I was a good owner too so there's that, still you have made some very valid observations that I could most definalty remember.
Today I had the oppurtunites to bite..but I didn't and this only because I asked for help, only the sheppard can herd and steer me right. PTLORD ♥ Blessings ♥
Great post Sis! We are not perfect, amen? Filthy rags, amen!! I read on Ang's site you are struggling with food. I realized I HAVE to journal my weight loss or I don't do as well. Feel free to pop over and see what I've been going through.
Hi, my name is Karen from
I wanted stop by and introduce myself. I came along your blog and I truly enjoyed it.. and i will be back to visit again..
Hope you get a chance to stop by me some time soon..
God Bless you and your family..
Hi Beth.. it is a pleasure to meet you.. I will add your site to my blog so i can see when you have a new post..
Hope you and your family has a great weekend and i look forward to becoming new Blogging buddies..
God Bless , see ya agian real soon
you know I often ask that same question… helps to remember THAT I also sometimes do not behave like a Christian AND that my ideas of how a christian should "hold" themselves IS NOT what may be ideal ideas 😉