Hello Precious Ones! I had to share something that blessed my heart this past Sunday. Pastor Jim Laffoon discussed the timing of John the Baptist’s conception and FOR THE FIRST TIME I heard something! Seriously, have you ever read the same scripture 100 times then all of a sudden something stands out that you’ve never seen before?
Well, before I share what I noticed, let me share how I have felt over the years.
As many of my girlfriends on here, I have had the title “barren” spoken over me. One of the definitions of “barren” on the online dictionary is this: a. not reproducing: as incapable of producing offspring – used especially of females or matings b. not yet or not recently pregnant c. habitually failing to fruit.
I have gone through many heart wrenching “Mother’s days” and many social gatherings where I was the only woman who had not experienced giving birth to a child. I have had many years of cruel comments like “When are YOU going to have a baby?” We even had one old man say to my husband, “Your cousins have something to show for their work — what about you?” Oh, it has been horrible.
Having our beautiful daughter has been more of a blessing than I could ever put into words. She is adorable and a gift from God. But let me tell you, this child is always asking me when she is going to have a baby brother! I am back in the hot seat. Ha.
I really thought I was over the pain regarding a lot of this stuff. (Yet again, this fast is allowing a lot of sediment in my heart to surface.) On Sunday, as I heard Pastor Jim discuss Elizabeth and Zechariah, I wanted to burst! My name is Elizabeth ya know.
Over the years I felt cursed. God alone can open and close a womb. So why hadn’t He opened my womb? Had I created some horrible sin? Was I such a horrible person? I know those questions are crazy, but I promise, I’m not alone in asking those questions in my heart. Barren sounds like a curse doesn’t it? In biblical times, it truly was a curse. Thankfully, it doesn’t have the stigma that it did in those days, but it is still painful.
Ok — for the good news. If you’ve read this a million times, read it again:
Luke 1:5-7 In the time of Herod king of Judea there was a priest named Zechariah, who belonged to the priestly division of Abijah; his wife Elizabeth was also a descendant of Aaron. Both of them were upright in the sight of God, observing all the Lord’s commandments and regulations blamelessly. But they had no children, because Elizabeth was barren; and they were both well along in years.
They weren’t being punished. They were upright in the sight of God. What a blessed couple to have been considered UPRIGHT in the sight of God. Wow!
So dear Sisters! If you’re experiencing this in your life, know that YOU ARE NOT BEING PUNISHED! God’s TIMING is everything. Have hope! Be encouraged! Hold your head high and press into the Lord.
A quick update on my forgiveness mountain. I was able to hug some of the very people who have been spreading lies about my family. I honestly didn’t feel anything icky in my heart. I appreciate your prayers. You guys are the best! I had a sweet lady from my past read one of my posts (our authority in Christ) and she quoted my words back to me (ha). It really opened my eyes and snapped me out of my stupor. Bless you all!
Such a wonderfully powerful post sis, love you.
Oh, Beth, I'm so glad that that passage spoke directly to your heart!! God is so good!!!!
And that is great about you being able to hug those people w/out any bitterness!!!
Some of the things, we can't explain but it doesn't mean that God does not have a purpose in those. Like being single for some…And of course, man's standards always come along.
That's great that you are able to go past the hurt and hugged those who offended you. I know the enemy is not happy but the concerned Daddy is smiling! God bless you and protect you and may you be strong in the Lord's mighty power. Have a blessed Christmas…
This post, literally, gave me goosebumps! You touch and encourage so many people, Beth, by your honesty and deep trust in God. How true…our faith teaches us to keep pressing ahead and never letting go of HOPE! So happy to hear that you were able to reach out to some of those who were saying hurtful things. Forgiveness is the first step to complete healing!
Ok..I just have to say it Beth.
Well duhn!!!
Of course HE is not punishing you! And the way I see it..even if you weren't up right in HIS sight He doesn't operate this way, something Satan would have us to believe.
You have a daughter that otherwise you would've had you had your own.
For such a time as this..HE needed you to need her.
I hope this makes sense.
Oh Beth.
I am weeping.
I am in the middle of my 7th miscarriage today (we hadn't told anyone yet that we were expecting as you can understand our cautiousness)…
…I know God led me here to read these words of TRUTH and comfort. I cannot thank you enough.
Hey Beth!
I am glad that you found this verse for your comfort and for those experiencing the same pain. I am tired of the same questions myself and I have to guard what I say back so I do not hurt those who don't understand that these questions they ask bring up feeling that are already hard to deal with. Wow that was a run on sentence!! Love you!
Such a powerful post! Well said:)
Even though I have no idea if I am physically baren (as I've never child to get pregnant), I still feel that big B for barren on my child. Why have you not chosen to bare children? Why don't you want children? Why don't you have children? It's now pointless for now whether I desire to have children but rather that I'm not married to have them.
All the same, I experience the "outcast" syndrome.
God is doing an incredible work of restoration in you Beth (Elizabeth). I'm excited for your future and that of your family.
Merry CHRISTmas and blessed New Year and much love. I've enjoyed the year with you Beth. I pray 2010 will bring more opportunities for us to visit together.
I was filled with Holy Spirit goose bumps when I read this post girl..WOW
Thank you for this, dear Beth.
Wow… to be written about IN THE BIBLE as both being upright. Like my goodness, they had no clue they'd be being talked about all these years later and that their struggles would be applicable to so many sooooooo long from now.
Isn't God just amazing how He works?
Awesome post Beth. As you know, I can relate to your questioning and emotions that you have experienced.
Thank you.
Well Beth It's all been said.
My sweet sister…how powerful when the Word comes to you at the exact time God wants it to and you are set free from the bondage of hurt! Praise the Lord!
I am rejoicing with you. I'm sorry I have not been around too much in blog land but my time has been decreased due to the Lord speaking to my heart about decreasing here and being a better wife and mother since my abilities have changed with needing more rest.
Thank you for being a constant friend. I love you.
Blessings to you and your family this wonderful Christmas season.
That was awesome and timely. I have done that with scriptures so many times too. I love it when everytime I read a scripture God brings out more and more things to my attention!
Good for you on forgiving! YOu are such an inspirations and blessing!
Thank you