Today as we gather at the well, we face a challenge from Deb (at One Single Minute).
Deb is focusing on Titus 2:3 today:
Older women likewise are to be reverent in their behavior, not malicious gossips nor enslaved to much wine, teaching what is good … (NASB)
How are you doing as an older woman?
Do you live in a way that is appropriate for someone serving the Lord?
How is your speech, your attitude?
Are you producing the fruit of the Spirit in your life?
How am I doing as an older woman? I can definitely say I’m not where I want to be, but I’m not where I used to be either! I am in need of God’s grace and mercy every day. It is my heart’s desire to point others to the Lord and to His word. I know what He has done for me and if He did it for me, He will do it for others.
Do I live in a way that is appropriate for someone serving the Lord? For the most part, I think I do. But the next question is where my weakness is exposed.
How is your speech, your attitude? Sigh … I wish I could say, “Wonderful, all of the time!” I still have times when I’m pressed and something ugly comes to my lips — words that are meant to sting and inflict pain. A dart sprinkled with fiery sarcasm will head right to my victim’s heart. This rarely happens, but when I am pushed into a corner … sigh. When pressed, I always think of a grape. Whatever is inside always comes oozing out. Pressure really can expose the wicked/selfish nature of my heart. One of these days when I am pressed, I will be so full of GOOD THINGS that nothing ugly can come out.
Are you producing the fruit of the Spirit in your life? First, I should list the fruit.
As I have said before when discussing the fruit of the Spirit, it truly depends on the day. Some days I walk in some fruit more than another. It all boils down to me keeping my focus on the Lord and OFF of my situation. Isn’t that always the case? If our hearts are focused on Jesus then there is no room for self-pity, idolatry, anger, rejection, fear, the list could go on and on.
Let me refer to Titus 2:3 again:
Older women likewise are to be reverent in their behavior, not malicious gossips nor enslaved to much wine, teaching what is good … (NASB)
This is a great scripture to ponder and constantly keep in my heart. The next time I want to say something that doesn’t encourage or build up someone — I need to KEEP QUIET. I always need to teach what is good — even in my actions.
Thanks for this great reminder today Deb!
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“When pressed, I always think of a grape. Whatever is inside always comes oozing out.”
I love this picture. It is one I need to remember. When I am pressed what comes out of me.
Though by no means an “older woman,” I think this applies very nicely to us guys as well.
Beth, great post today. We are all being taught not only by each other but mainly by the Holy Spirit. May we all remember that each of us IS older than someone! -have a blessed day, Laurie
Great analogy with the pressing and grape. Wonderful.
Hi Beth,
Great scripture and I was so blessed to read your comments, Much food for thought for me today! Thank you for sharing.
Beth I absolutely love the grape example!!! One that I can assure you I’ll be using quite a lot!!
Love ya!!
Great reminder and analogy of the grape being pressed!
Great post. I love the definition of an older woman – not where we want to be, but much further than where we started. Wonderful encouragement for today. Thanks for sharing.
This reminds me of a Bible Teacher I had once that would often use the illustration of a tea cup. When it’s bumped, whatever is inside pours out. It is so true. Huh? God uses the bumps and the pressing to show us what is inside and how desperately we need Him!
Oh Lord, continue the work deep inside of us and thank You for changing us to be more like Jesus.
Thank you for sharing!
Have a wonderful week!
Hi again Beth! I loved your line: I can definitely say I’m not where I want to be, but I’m not where I used to be either!
I need to remember this. I am growing, I am changing and I am allowing Christ to work in and through me. It’s a process why not enjoy the journey. God will see us to the end and we will finish the work He has begun in us! 🙂
God Bless
Karen @ Lil Momma’s Haven
Wow what an amazing post today!!
I do love the grape analogy and really never thought of it that way!
I’m with the others – loved the grape analogy! Great post! Some wise wise words here.
I like your grape analogy. Wonderful message and deep insight that you shared and questions for all of us to ponder and answer. I’m one to always say, ask yourself the tough questions and I am also one to ask myself those tough questions. It doesn’t feel good to hear the answers but it helps us to grow.
I’m glad to be on the journey with you sister. We’re a work in progress. THANK GOD HE’S PRUNING US!
Love you.
I think if we’re really honest, all of us females can identify with the speech and attitude flaw. Like you, I hate it when I see something ugly that I say or think…but that means that God is at work in us.
I always understood that older woman would be like a mentor, and an experienced woman who can teach younger women how to be Godly wives and mothers. Not often do we receive advice well from our peers, nor would an older woman receive it well from a younger woman. Seems to make sense! Even at any age, we can mentor someone younger than us and share our valuable life experiences 🙂
I love your statement…I’m not where I want to be but I’m not where I used to be! Praise the Lord….this whole Christian walk is a “baby steps” one day at a time type walk!
Thanks for stopping by my blog today!
Thank you for sharing, Beth!
I ooze out among family but usuallynot to anyone else but let feelings fester. Ugh! 🙁
Oh this is so good. I love the grape part (“there is grape grape joy in Jesus” to quote Amy Grant, lol!).
I’m always praying that it will be the Lord coming out and not me….!Unfortunately, the me comes out more than I’d wish!
Thank you for sharing your heart and being opening honest here. I struggle with my thoughts when something bothers me. I know I need to work on many areas but I also hope the areas that I do well in can be a help to someone.
I need to do a better job of holding my tongue. I do ok for the most part, but every once in a while. And unfortunately, yes, it is a reflection of the heart. Thanks for this wonderful reminder.
Take care my friend! I hope your week is off to a great start!
Such a fantastic post.
Great post, Beth! Spoken with the honesty and transparency that I love in your blog. Are you glad that we can say that we aren’t where we used to be but we still haven’t arrived where we need to be but with God’s helping hand…He will lead us on…step by step.