Surely you are tired of reading about my adventures with the public, but I continue to be amazed.
I wish I received $100 each time a “guest” at our farm was RUDE and OBNOXIOUS to me and/or our employees. Seriously, it makes me want to hold up a sign, “Just because you chose to come here, does not mean you have the right to act like a child.”
Philippians 2:3
Do nothing from factional motives [through contentiousness, strife, selfishness, or for unworthy ends] or prompted by conceit and empty arrogance. Instead, in the true spirit of humility (lowliness of mind) let each regard the others as better than and superior to himself [thinking more highly of one another than you do of yourselves].
Maybe I’m naive about the public in general since I dealt with professionals when I worked full-time, but wow … people need Jesus. Even those of us who have Him … need to walk in the Spirit instead of the FLESH. I’m talking to myself too. Trust me! I may not share verbally what I want to say to some folks, but God knows my heart. Ha, sometimes I share verbally.
We had one older woman get a serious attitude on Sunday because one of our face painters needed to go to the bathroom. The very merciful face painter had sat without stopping from 9am until late in the afternoon. She was so stiff from leaning over that she could barely stand. This woman had no compassion and wanted her grandchild’s face painted. I put my foot down and took the employee away. Are people so cold that they have NO compassion for another fellow human?
Not only am I amazed at the number of parents and GRANDPARENTS who try to sneak in without paying our admission fee, but their attitude when they get caught is shocking. I had a grandma (who I caught trying to sneak in this weekend) fuss and complain about having to pay. I finally said, “Ma’am, nobody is making you come here.” People act so entitled.
I guess I am sheltered, but I don’t go to someone’s establishment and try to break the rules, or bend the rules “just for me and my family.” I don’t try to sneak into places for free or try to steal. I’m beginning to think I am in the minority.
People get attitudes when we say we’re closing (even though our rules are posted) … They get attitudes when the adults don’t get a free pumpkin when their child DOES. People just expect something for nothing. So many show very little integrity. Today I had a family enter during the last 25 minutes we were open “to play for free since we were closing anyway.” These people came without reading our hours — so it was “our” fault that they had come out and it didn’t fit their schedule. Yes — they walked in without paying and I was just so surprised at their lack of integrity that I just sent them into the play area.
Proverbs 15:18
A hot-tempered man stirs up strife, but he who is slow to anger appeases contention.Proverbs 29:11
A [self-confident] fool utters all his anger, but a wise man holds it back and stills it.
I am ashamed of my own attitude towards these unpleasant people though I must admit, after having such a wonderful service Sunday morning, it has made it easier to deal with the selfishness and self-entitlement of others.. It almost felt like water rolling off of my back yesterday and today.
I am praying that I will be SLOW TO ANGER more than ever.
What is at the root of people feeling so entitled?
Psalm 73:6
Therefore pride is about their necks like a chain; violence covers them like a garment [like a long, luxurious robe].
I have definitely had a chance to crucify my flesh each day.
That is for sure.
So far, I don’t know that I’m doing such a great job …
I am grateful that His mercies are new every morning!
I see this happening all the time, and sometimes my tongue tries to get the best of me. I’ve caught myself in Wal-Mart telling people how rude they are only to get weird looks. It just burns my beans at how selfish, and careless people act.
I have to pray to be slow to anger, and let it roll off my back as well! OOooooo…….
Oh girl. Me too! God help me.
Beth, My hub works at a Lowes in management. I am shocked daily with the stories he comes home telling me about some of the abuses heaped on the employees and management including himself! SOmetimes I want to mention to people when they are dealing with others in these situations whether the local D&D, Lowes, farms, markets, stores…anywhere: The people that you are interacting with there are somebody’s wives, husbands, daughters, sons, mothers, fathers, aunts etc. ! In other words we always need to consider this every time in these circumstances! I ask God to remind me of this when I am out and about. It is so important. I am so glad you stood up for your employee! And so glad you are grounded in Grace! Keep fighting the good fight and shining that light! ~ Dawn
Thank you Dawn. I’m telling you the truth — I had NO IDEA it was like this out in the service industry. People think they are entitled to everything their hearts desire — even if it is wrong. It is shocking and sad. I have never treated someone rude and cruel, even if I have poor service. God bless everyone who deals with this on a regular basis.
Oh Beth, I don’t think I could hold my tongue as well as you do. That’s why I had to leave retail years ago… the thieving, the attitudes and the entitlement mentality. Whoever said “The customer is always right.” should be shot. I partially blame (him) for this kind of behavior.
Stay strong!
LOL … yeah really. Who did say that? Ha. I don’t blame you for leaving retail. Maybe one day it won’t surprise me anymore. Sigh …
Michelle, I just love your thinking! lol! ANd my husband would to!
Reinserting blog title here, “Are you kidding me?” I mean, getting upset when someone needs to use the bathroom, or coming late and expecting the royal treatment. You are doing much better than I would have. I am not sure I could have kept what was going through my mind to myself. I will definately be praying for you!
Ditto what Barbie said! Seriously, I try to not lower myself to the level of people who act like that, but as Barbie said, if it had been me, I’m not so sure I could have kept everything corraled in my head. I’ve run across acts of selfishness and rudeness such as that, also. What a sad state of human affairs. So many folks need Jesus so badly! Blessings to you. ♥
It is a sad state of human affairs Diana. I agree. Even those who confess to be Christians are so carnal. I even feel so carnal when they so easily get under my skin. We all need Jesus every day. That is for sure. <3
Thanks Barbie. I still find myself dumbfounded when I see the way adults act. Honestly, they are worse than their kids. I appreciate your prayers.
Jesus did warn us that at the end, people’s love would grow cold. That’s why they are so rude and selfish. But when people don’t know Jesus (whether they profess to be Christian or not, they obviously don’t know Him), we can’t expect anything less from them.
If I may be so bold as to suggest, you could put a note (whatever size you need) and put it in your line of vision (and if customers would see it, oh well) so whenever you need it, you can read Proverbs 15:1, “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” (NASB) I might help!
Jo Jo — I love that idea! I may have a sign made today!
Girl! I don’t do well when others are being obnoxious and rude!! I usually will end up not being too nice to them…but I will say it with a smile, though! :o)
Oh yes, I try to say it through a smile too. I am very calm and collected as I stand firm. I still hate that they even get to me though.
Sorry you have to deal with people like this, Beth. It’s so sad how people treat one another these days. We should be careful how we respond, but that doesn’t mean we have to let these people walk all over us.
Thanks Stacey. Trust me, I don’t let them walk on me, though I probably should just smile.
I was thinking yesterday how I am such a rule follower and how I avoid confrontation at all costs. However, I sometimes let myself get pushed and pushed and then I explode. When I explode, my tongue is dangerous.
My first job ever was at one of those full-service car washes. I was the office assistant/cashier. I learned really fast how rude people are and feel the rules should be bent just for them.
I guess I have lived a shelter life here in the south. Ha.
I agree with your blog post today my friend, people can be so rude and I for one will not put up with rude people, it should not matter if you are saved or not…people need to show respect…I’ve dealt with the public for many years and I’ve seen how some can be so rude that it would just bother me to no end..then one day I had to make a stand that if any person is rude to me or I see them being rude to someone else I was going to stand up and ask them why are they being so disrespectful? One thing Jesus had and that was compassion and we should show the same to others…I’ve seen some believers who do not show compassion and it makes me sick to my stomach because my parents raised us to always show respect to people no matter who they are…maybe one day if we would show the compassion like Jesus did then we could win more sinners to Christ…
So true!