Proverbs 15:1

A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

Proverbs 30:33

For as churning cream produces butter, and as twisting the nose produces blood, so stirring up anger produces strife.

Yesterday I was really having a battle.  My flesh was raging and it was really difficult for me to walk in peace.  I think it started with the fact that I had not had one moment alone (other than in the shower) since Thursday.  (We went to the mountains to pick up our first load of Christmas trees.)  It is difficult for someone who LIKES to be alone to never have some time to steal away with the Lord.
We were scheduled to leave Saturday morning, but as usual — that often means getting up before the sun rises and rushing like a wild person to leave ASAP!  That meant getting the house clean and in order before leaving for the Christmas season.  We were on the road by 8:30am and I didn’t get a chance to get a shower (NOT HAPPY).  I think that started my rotten mood (not that there is an excuse).
Even after rushing to pick up our load of trees, we had to sit in Sparta for 30 minutes or more — so I ACTUALLY COULD HAVE GOTTEN A SHOWER!  
My family made the most of the situation and loved on some baby cows while we waited.  Here I am puckering up to a baby who was born on 11/19.  Beautiful isn’t she?  You can’t tell from this picture — but I was still angry enough to bite through a nail.
That theme continued through the day though I would cry, repent, bind a spirit of anger … but it would come back.  I don’t know what was happening!
After making a 3 hour trip home, my Mom called to ask me to pick up some medicine for her and bring it to her home.  Do you think I did it with a happy heart?!?!?  Grumble, complain, ANGER … conviction … 
After taking my Mom her medicine, my MIL asked if she and my SIL could take Princess to a ball game.  YES, that is FINE!  I used that time to play worship music as I vacuumed, steam cleaned my tile and other hard surfaces, and washed clothes.  Just having that time alone and singing along with the CD brought me back to normal.
I knew that I shouldn’t grumble and complain.  I knew that I had so much to be thankful for and really no right to feel so full of anger.  
I read James chapter 5 last night before bed:
James 5:9

Don’t grumble against one another, brothers and sisters, or you will be judged. The Judge is standing at the door!

I still don’t know what happened and where all of that anger came from yesterday.  I didn’t like feeling that way and I pray it stays away!  Even in the midst of the anger, I continued to repent.  I don’t want to grumble against anyone!  Reading that scripture from James last night was sobering!

On another note, remember in my last post I showed some pictures of my husband and I posing across the mountain from where we have a mountain house now?  If you missed those pictures, click HERE.   

Anyway, Friday my little family decided to visit that house where we had the pictures made 21 years ago!  The people we knew didn’t live there anymore, but we thought we would take a chance and see if the new owners would let us take some pictures.  So here you go.  We stood at this home 21 years ago and looked out over these mountains.  (My husband is pointing at our home.)  NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS could we have imagined that we would have a house there!  Here is a view of our house from the place we visited.  Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Only God could have done such a thing!  We still don’t know why we have that beautiful house in the hills of Virginia, but we give God all of the glory!

Now we are home.  Here I sit.  Sunday morning.  My family is asleep … I am at peace. I have had some time to myself to read God’s Word.  I still have some things to discuss with Him, but I thought I’d share my pictures with you.

I am really looking forward to corporate worship this morning!  

Happy Sunday (no anger …)!

Ok, I had to come back and revise this post.  After being out of town for several days with no access to a computer, I didn’t see November 19th’s prophecy bulletin.  Timely AS ALWAYS.  See this:

SMALL STRAWS IN A SOFT WIND by Marsha Burns — 11/19/2010:
Refuse to allow frustration and impatience to rule, as there is no faith or trust in emotional reactions. Rise above the circumstances that have made you angry, and establish peace in your heart. Then, you can find wisdom and direction in solving your dilemma. I will pour out wisdom liberally, if you will set your heart and mind on trusting Me to show you the way, says the Lord.
Philippians 4:6-7 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.