Hi Friends!
I almost forgot to do the drawing for my wonderful giveaway! Oh dear! So, I had an awesome time at church, served my family a delicious lunch, and now I’m going to make someone happy!
But wait, before I do that (the suspense … hee hee), I MUST thank Sheila at Meditations and Confessions of a Woman Found!!! I was the recipient of a precious necklace that she made. Isn’t it beautiful? THANK YOU DEAR SHELIA!!!
I also must thank dear Stephanie at Life is a Miracle for the very generous $25 gift card to WalMart! Yay!!!! I am such a blessed woman! Thank you Stephanie!
Ok, so back to the drawing. To make sure I didn’t get confused, I wrote out each person’s name with a number (since some comments had more than one comment). :o) Then I used random.org to choose the winner!
The blessed winner of a great price from The Pink Polka Dot is Elizabeth at Elizabeth Embracing Life! Congratulations Elizabeth! Just take a peek at the giveaway post and let me know which PRIZE you would like (along with your initials, name, saying — whatever you’d like on your item). Also email me your full name and mailing address and I’ll get the ball rolling.
Thanks everyone for participating in my giveaway!
Congratulations to Elizabeth!!
Congrats to Elizabeth.
That is a beautiful necklace you won.
Thanks for the blog shoutout, and thank you for reading my blog so you could win my giveaway. Buy something fun!
Congrats to Elizabeth and you! I finally won something myself and didn't even know I entered. That's just my luck but I'll take it:-)
Ummm, hello, Beth…the name is spelled A-P-R-I-L! Oh, you know I'm just kidding. Big congrats to Elizabeth for winning! Hope your Sunday is going GREAT!
Congrats to Elizabeth!
Me, I never win anything…oh so excited. Thanks so much. Off to choose a gift for me. Kissy, hug, hug from Elizabeth.
Yeah for Elizabeth.
Congratulations to Elizabeth and thank you Beth for having such a thoughtful give a way.
Congrats to Elizabeth! Loved the picture of the teeny-tiny you on Alicia's photo meme!
I hear you about being busy. I plan on breaking mine down into little bits. I did a little yesterday, and will just keep plugging away a little at a time.
Tomorrow will be a busy day for me, so hopefully I will find a few minutes to work on it!
Hooray elizabeth!!!!!!!!
Congrats on your goodies and to Elizabeth!
I left you a tag on my blog if you're interested. I hope all is well!
Congrats to Elizabeth.
Congratulations to Elizabeth. I'm sure she is truly blessed by it.
Love ya.