Below is an email I received from our adoption agency. Please contact them if YOU or someone you know is interested.

Christian Adoption Services needs families immediately in the domestic program. Please see the information below and pass along to any and all on your email list. Should you have any questions please feel free to email Gretchen Goers at [email protected] or call the office at 704.847.0038. Thank you!
Christian Adoption Services is in need of families in the domestic infant program. If you or someone you know is interested in learning more information about the agency and adoption, then please visit our web site, click HERE.

Families need to be:

  • Over 25 and under the age of 43 (up to age 45 on a case by case basis).
  • Christians in faithful attendance at their local church.
  • Living in the states of North Carolina or South Carolina.
  • Married for more than 2 years.