Have any of you ever had someone in your life who seems to get hurt easily, even offended? I am seeing a pattern with someone in my life where I seem to be apologizing a lot. I guess that is the Christian thing to do, right? For the sake of unity, I should reach out at least a couple of times … right?
I wonder if my “share my thoughts/heart” personality is too abrasive, hmmm. I’m sure I have offended all of my friends who voted for Obama. But their vote OFFENDED me. Seriously, I wish I could sit and ask a Christian how they could choose someone who supports gay marriage and abortion (infanticide). Seriously, I want someone to show me BIBLICALLY why it was ok to vote for such a man. What should I do? Do I say nothing and agree that what is evil should be called good? I just can’t do it. Of course the race factor throws a huge wrench in the mix, because this friend is African American. Why should that even matter?!?!?! I hate racism and the fact that Obama isn’t white doesn’t mean a hill of beans to me. What he stands for disgusts me. If I had been in a country who never had a white president, I pray my desires would have been for a person more in line with God’s Word than voting for someone who looked more like me. I’ve never been in those shoes, but I can’t imagine ever voting for someone who stood against my convictions.
John the Baptist wasn’t quiet … Paul wasn’t quiet. God’s people were vocal about wickedness. Does that make me sound self-righteous? I hope not! I know my sin and I’ve been the worst of sinners. But how do I sound the alarm? Am I judging women who have had abortions? NO! But by the grace of God go I! Trust me. Do I judge homosexuals? I don’t hate people, but I hate the enemy of their souls who has brought wrong thinking, wrong desires, … deception.
This blog has come from a 2nd or 3rd attempt on my part to reach out to someone I have surely offended. Nobody has to be my friend, but I don’t want it to be because I have wounded or hurt someone.
God help me speak truth in love.
I am praying for Obama and his family. I am praying that he will have a Saul to Paul experience with the Lord. I am praying that God will choose who surrounds Obama and reach him through his counsellors, etc… I am praying God has mercy on this country and hears the cries of His people.