Men and women are so different.

We think completely different.

This leads to a tale …

A tragic tale that began a few days ago.

I was cutting grass and I realized our bushes were WAY out of control!

I had branches growing through our front railings.

No self-respecting southerner could have that, so I thought to myself, “Hmmm. I need to get the hand clippers out and cut back some of this jungle.”

Folks, that is a lot of work with hand clippers! I am too chicken to use a REAL clipper — electric or gas operated.

So, I had the bright idea to see if one of my husband’s employees could TRIM our bushes one day when it was too wet to work.

Little did I know that my husband (being a MAN) told him to give them a REALLY GOOD cut! He meant, shave them!

Well, being the obedient employee that he is — Roger shaved my bushes!

Here it is almost June. Do you think these will come back? Uh … I’m not thinking so. Ladies, NO WOMAN WOULD HAVE DONE THIS TO A BUSH!

Ok, take a deep breath. It is SHOCKING!

Even a beautiful Princess can’t help the look of these ridiculously shaven bushes. He cut off most of the green leaves and left me a nice crop of STICKS AND BRANCHES.

If I painted them with the right shade of green, do you think anyone would notice? Oh look, he left me about 15 leaves in the middle here so nobody would notice the big brown ugly spot.

Next time, I’ll just do it myself.