Spirit of Prophecy Bulletin |
SMALL STRAWS IN A SOFT WIND by Marsha Burns — 11/10/2010: Beloved, the changes that have occurred in the past few years have given cause to redefine yourself. You have even been tempted to believe that you have lost your identity somewhere along the line, which is not true. You are still unique and precious in My sight. And, I am molding you and bringing clarity to your life according to who you are in Me. You have lost nothing; the cherished elements of your character and nature are ready to emerge in high definition, and I call you to come forth in renewed purpose and power, says the Lord.
Isaiah 58:14 Then you shall delight yourself in the LORD; and I will cause you to ride on the high hills of the earth, and feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father. The mouth of the LORD has spoken.
I received this word from Marsha Burns this morning. Timely as always.
I’ve been in a season of transition for a LONG time! I can also identify with feeling a bit of identity loss. I know who I am in Christ, but no longer does my identity rest in church roles, denomination, job status, etc …
Have many of you been through a transition period too?
I believe these periods are needed.
I have always heard that if you try to “help” a butterfly escape the chrysalis you actually cripple the butterfly. I have heard the same about a baby bird pecking its way out of an egg. The escape process actually gives the butterfly and the baby bird strength. Do we go through these same growing moments — fighting our way through this world to strengthen us in Christ?
Romans 5:3-4 Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.
My sister, brother, and I are in the middle of a hard transition. Our parents are getting older. Their health is not well. At some point, our hands will be forced to make decisions for them and become the “parents” in the relationship. My Daddy just came home from the hospital yesterday and now we are scrambling to adjust to our “new” norm.
My parents are in a transition that none of us want to face.
1 Peter 1:6-7
In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.
I pray that I am learning lessons through everything that is placed in my path. I pray I am learning how to love — truly love.
What are you learning from your season of transition?
Thanks for posting…as I started to read I felt the Lord prompting me to read it as if it was being said to me…so right on.
So glad God brought this word to you today, and glad I could hear His voice through your word.
Blessings on the transitions with your parents…my mother-in-law is 95 and we are going to have to make some decisions this next year…she still lives on her own.
Blessing Beth, Thank you for posting this today. I loved it, yes I am in transition learning how to rest soley on Him for every need. I Have never heard of Marsha before-can you share more of her with me? It is good to realize that no matter what this life throws at us, we are always secure in His love.
Hugs, Noreen
email: [email protected]
Transition…who doesn't go through this? Though we may be in different levels, I just pray that I am continuing to grow, becoming more mature in Him as I do so.
Yes, caring for aging parents are not easy. I am grateful that the Lord had provided many help during the time my parents were sick when they were here. Though we may become fearful and uncertain of what's to come, I know that in all of this, when you look back, you will know that the Lord has been with you and your siblings the whole time! He is indeed faithful sister. He never leaves us nor forsake us…even through transitions in our journeys…God bless you and protect you and may you remain strong in His mighty power! Love to you sister in Christ.
This was so timely for me. I feel the Lord pushing me out of my chrysalis. It's a painful process. But I know the Lord has a reason. Thank you for that reminder.
I'll be praying for your parents and your siblings. I can't imagine having to make that switch. May God give you wisdom and peace.
Love you my friend!
I am hoping to learn how to be my own person again now that my boys are teens and their paths are starting to diverge more & more from mine. I've been so wrapped up in being Mom, I've got to re-find Pam.
I will pray for your journey also.
Hugs & love,
Transitions can be quite painful and I hurt just thinking about what you're going through. I'll be praying for you and your family and you adjust to your new norm. Being "the parent" is a hard things to do. Love you!
Transitions are not always easy…but trusting in Him completely sure does make that time feel more controlled. I am trying to find & follow His will during those times. 🙂
thanks… i NEEDED this