For the more serious side of this post, I am linking with Angie and Free Spirit Haven to share prayer requests.
Please look at my side bar at all of the people who need prayer: Andrew, Ron, Ezra, Maggie, Stellan, Abby, Westin, Rachel, Lorraine, and more. Please remember Denise (health), Lisa (headaches), Debra Kaye (strong, healed heart), Michele (God knows her needs), and April (kidney stones). Of course, I always appreciate prayers for my sweet parents.
I am burdened for this country and the direction it is going. If America doesn’t support Israel, we know what the Word says. PLEASE PRAY FOR PRESIDENT OBAMA to have his heart enlightened by the Holy Spirit.
God bless all of you for lifting up the people I listed above.
For the more lighthearted side of this post I am linking with Alicia at More Than Words for her Friday Photo Flashback Meme. This picture was taken of me and my handsome hubby (only married 1 month) holding one of my beautiful nieces, Stephanie. She was 2 months old in this photo (back in 1989!!!). Look at that beautiful black hair my husband had – ok, I just had to say it.
Yep, and this young lady is the baby I was holding in the first picture! This is my niece Stephanie who will be 20 this month! Oh how the time has flown! Happy Birthday Stephie Doodle! I love you!
What a great post. It's fun to see the progression over the years.
In agreement with your prayer list.
Love the photos. Time sure goes fast.
Thanks for your prayers, praying for you, and your parents. I love the pictures of your niece as a baby, and then her baby. Very cool. I love you my friend.
Thanks for sharing the pics. The wee one is just gorgeous.
Thank you for standing in the gap for these precious ones sis..I too join you. ((hugs))
Great post, Beth! I loved the pictures of your niece and great-niece…totally precious!
Please pray for me as I have had a terrible week. We are battling a financial attack and I am having severe problems with my job and my bosses.
Have a great weekend!
These are great pics. It is fun to see the progression of people in our lives and in ourselves too. You look just as beautiful 20 years later. 🙂
Love the pics and have to make mention of your sweet girl's HUGE smile.
Love all of those pictures. How fast time really flies! God bless you sister and your beautiful family! Praying with you for all those precious people. Love to you.
Oh, Emilee is so sweet!
When I look at my niece who is 19 now, I still cannot believe how fast time flies. It seems only yesterday that she was a little baby in my arms. 🙂
Oh wow, Beth!! That is so neat!! I see my friends kids who have children of their own now, and I think, "Wow…it doesn't seem like that long ago that they were just babies!"
Love the black hair!! 😉
No way!
Y'know what…you honestly have not aged a bit.
Okay, that is just neat…really, really neat! The photos are gorgeous, but the continuity is even better.
Happy Birthday Stephanie!! She's pretty and her daughter is so cute!!! Great pictures…my where does the time go???
Time does march on, doesn't it? I might have to join in next time and show off my hubby's hair…it's still dark, but just a lot less of it! Yes, we do need prayer for our country…I also see that we are teetering on turning our backs on Israel, and yes, I know what that means. I am praying for some of those on your sidebar, but didn't know about the rest. There are so many, so many that are hurting and in need of healing…I will pray for all of them. God bless.
Fantastic photos Beth!! What cute babies.
Love Collette xxxx
Great photos. I love to look at my kids baby pictures and see how they've grown…and wonder when it happened.
You are right, Beth, we need to be praying for our country, our president, and for God’s will to be done!
I will be praying for your parents. I am sorry that I have not been praying for them.
What a great bunch of beautiful people. And yes, great hair on that man! ☺
WOW! The power of photos …. and I'm sure you're thinking that those 20 years went by in a flash!
Have a lovely blessed weekend!
What a great post Beth. Thank God for memories.
I agree with you, we really really need to interceed on behalf of this country.
Prayer is the only thing that will move the hand of God.
I couldn't agree more…God help us if we don't pray for Obama & the direction in which he is taking this country. Love the "old" photo of you guys! And as always, the "Little Miss" is just too cute. She has a million dollar smile!
It's amazing to see how times flys. 🙂 Btw, your princess is beautiful!
– Lisa
Just want to pop over to wish you and your family to have a great week ahead. And to thank you for your prayers [for my son]. I truly appreciate it! May you rest today in His loving arms. Love you in Christ.
Wow… isn't is just amazing how time flies by! Sometimes it just hard to fathom that someday that will be me holding one of my niece's or nephew's children.
Lord, i lift up to you every need mentioned here. Lord, i thank you because nothing escapes your knowledge. thank you that we can fully depend on you. thank you for your blessings and favor. thank you also for your great love for all of us. thank you for answered prayers. in Jesus' name, amen.
Aww that was such a sweet post!
Beautiful Pictures =)
lovely pictures