It is time to show off the girls again!
Last week I reported that one of my Buff Orpington chickens has started laying! I am thrilled, but she is DETERMINED to lay on the floor in the corner of the coop.
I decided to put a crate (a temporary nest) in a chair over the spot where she liked to lay her eggs. It made sense to me! I had a plan and she was going to comply!
Well, Buffy decided to go UNDER the chair and continued to lay in the same spot. Hmph.
I love her anyway. I mean, who wouldn’t love this ball of fluffiness?
To outsmart the chicken (ok, there is something wrong with that statement) I decided to put the crate on the floor so she couldn’t lay in that spot. What did she do? She MOVED the crate and I found the egg behind it on the floor. Sigh.
So, what is a woman to do? I had to teach these hens how to be like the big girls and lay in the nests! I decided to take the chance of bringing in two of my Rhode Island Red hens, the pros!
Watch out girls, there is a NEW sheriff in town!
Everyone seemed to get along just fine. Here they are checking out the new apartment. The Rhode Island Reds are accustomed to the pent house — so they are slumming it a bit. I bet she is saying, “Hey food lady, why am I locked in this strange place with these weird looking chickens?”
My good-lookin’ husband decided to come out and see what I was doing. He thinks I am nuts over these chickens, but I’m just a good Mommy, that’s all. (Ignore the sheet of plywood and overturned stand in the background. Ahem.)
I pray my plan works and I start seeing some eggs in the laying nests. Surely they will learn from the two experienced hens. Right?
I’ll keep you posted on our egg laying experiment~ Yes, I love these girls!
Say, “Bye bye” Buffy!
Thanks for taking the time to keep up with my girls!
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Have a super blessed day!
That is so cute, Beth. You are a good mommy. 🙂
As we know labor with love produces good fruits! I hope you get lots of eggs!!! Just want to say hi and hope all is well with you sister! I enjoyed this post! 🙂