I wanted to take just a moment to share the most delightful book that I purchased for my daughter. It might be for children, but I’m telling you — it has spoken to my spirit as well!
Karen Kingsbury is the author of this precious story. She starts out by quoting God’s Word.
1 Corinthians 13:4,7
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not evny, it does not boast, it is not proud. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
It shows the father’s (Father’s) heart towards his daughter (His daughters). It is a great tool to start teaching our young daughters not to settle for someone who DOESN’T protect — doesn’t love.
The father, the King (the KING) tests the “knights” who want to marry the princess. Through the tests, the TRUTH surfaced — the HEART of the knights were exposed!
The key that stood out to me is this: TRUE LOVE ALWAYS PROTECTS! That is such a KEY statement.
It makes me ponder in my own heart. Chew on that for a moment.
I can’t end this without saying that Gabrielle Grimard did the beautiful illustrations in this book. Do yourself a favor and purchase it for your daughter. She will LOVE IT and so will you. (Nobody has asked me to write this post.)
Blessings to you all!
If we want to give gifts to our children, better yet to give them with something that have an eternal value. Great book! Awesome truth! Hope all is well with you sister and praying for the Lord to continue to guide you and protect you and your family. May His richest blessings unfold each day…Love to you.
Thank you for the suggestion! I am alway looking for good books to read with my girls and this sounds like a good one:) My oldest daughter really enjoys reading any book with a good message:)
I've never heard of that book, but what a wonderful message to share! I'm so happy to be back in Blogland…oh, I've sure missed you!
How adorable. I'm sure little miss is enjoying it and I love that phrase–true love always protects.
Sweet Beth,
Looks like a great book for this Nana to have at her house for her sweet little granddaughters!
Thanks for the info!
Wish it could be for boys too! Looks and sounds like a great book. Are you back? I know I've been missing you.
That is awesome! I love books like that… pretty and girly, yet with a special message!
Karen Kingsbury is one of my favorite authors! I wish I could buy that for my niece but knowing her parents it'd be put up on a very high shelf. It's a sad situation!
Thank you for sharing, I know two little granddaughters that will be blessed by this book. Blessing to you!
Oh YAY! I will have to look for that. I just picked up Lady in Waiting for Little Girls to read/study with my little girl.
It's so important to teach these Truths to our children….
Hello friend! I am here! Please dont' take it personal that I haven't been over! I have to get this book & the one she read to us at the Extrodinary women conference! (what was that one called?) I am envious of your weight loss jouney, I want mine to just fall off miraculously… so far that isn't working so well for me! sigh… maybe you will inspire me. Thanks!