I am so excited to have stumbled upon a great blog hop that is ALL about sharing some chicken love!
Ha, a face only a mother could love — I know. Too bad chickens can’t smile. She really was happy to see me — I’m sure of it!
Welcome to my place! Come on in!
I have some sweet tea for you on the sun porch. Have a seat and enjoy some finger sandwiches …
Are you pleasantly full? Great! Let’s take a walk around the farm.
I’m thrilled to introduce you to my girls and Oscar!  The chicken coops are this way.
Watch your step.
Early last spring we purchased 25 Rhode Island Red hens and a frisky Rhode Island rooster named Oscar.
Here is one of the ladies taking a stroll along the row of nests:
Our Rhode Island Reds are great layers. We gather nearly two dozen eggs a day!
 Aren’t they beautiful?
Here is the coop where the Red’s live~
Bath time … “dust” bath that is … You are looking at one happy chicken! They love taking dust baths!
Here is the big “man” on campus:Â OSCAR
They have a huge coop which gives them a lot of leg room, but I wanted them to have EVEN MORE. What’s a gal to do?  I had a runner built to connect their coop to a second big area where they can forage during the day.
Here they are trying out their new runner.
Last month we decided to get some chicks.  We purchased 4 chicks that were a week old and 2 chicks that were 6 weeks old.  We now have two Silver-Laced Wyondottes, two Ameraucanas (or you may spell Americanas) and two Buff Orpingtons. That gives us a total of 32 chickens.
Here is our Ameraucana named Alice as a baby chick (she is 6 weeks old now).
Here is the other Ameraucana named Connie. She was taking a nap on my daughter’s neck. So cute!
The Ameracaunas will look something like this when they grow up:
This is Dot, one of our Silver-Laced Wyondottes~
That cute little gray chick will look like THIS when she matures. I can’t wait!
Here is one of my beautiful Buff Orpingtons. Just in case you have never had the pleasure of being around a Buff, but they are like the Labrador of chicken breeds.  They are docile and love to rest in your lap. So precious! This is “Buffy” resting her head on my arm.
Buffy sleeping at 9 weeks old.
When she matures, she will look like this:
Now for the exciting part! I had to find a suitable coop for the newest members of our flock. I couldn’t put them together with my Reds, so guess what I did! I resuscitated my husband’s grandmother’s old chicken coop! Yes I did!
What do you think?
The old chicken crate belonged to my grandparents. Yes, I decorated the coop!
I know the roosting poles look “tight” but we made it for the young chicks. We will remove some rungs as they get bigger.
I found this old frame and placed this vintage looking tin within it. Cute, eh? (My husband always says, “Beth, they are JUST CHICKENS!”)
My husband thinks I’m over the top (ha), but my girls needed some shabby chic decorations didn’t they? My hubby (known as “Boaz” on my blog) acts like he doesn’t like these chickens, but I saw him treating them with scratch two days in a row. Yep! Caught him red handed!
This is a picture of the newest members of our flock adjusting to their new home.
Here I am with Buffy at 10 weeks old. It is too early to tell, but I think she may be my favorite.
 Next time you visit, these chicks will be much bigger!
If you need some eggs — you’ll find them in the fridge. Oh yeah – and if you ever have the idea to use pine shavings in your coop to keep your chicken’s feet nice and clean — see what can happen HERE.
Click the buttons below and check out some other cool farms!  Have a blessed day everyone and come back soon, ya hear?
(Photo credit: silver-laced Wyondotte, Buff Orpington, sweet tea, finger sandwiches.)
I am thoroughly jealous. I can live vicariously through you. One day I hope to have enough of a backyard for a chicken or two. That was beautiful. Thank you for sharing. Sniff!
Good morning Beth, girls and Oscar!
What a delightful tour of your chicken coop and farm! You have put a lot of love into your chicken keeping operation! That’t how you do it Beth. Our chickens give us so much they deserve a lot of love and goodies in return! Just a great post! Thanks so much for sharing with us at Dandelion House! Have a great week!
cluck cluck cluck
How cool! I can’t wait until we can get chickens 🙂
What a great chicken post…I too am jealous, I want chickens again 🙂
Wow do you have a great set up. I love how you decorated the old coop. I have stuff hanging around theirs too. Tonight they are out there for the first time and I am a wreck. I spent the day reinforcing with hardware cloth. Hope all goes well. We are in the city but we have opossums of which I have seen one on our wall last week. Hope it is a lazy bugger. Do you sell the eggs? Was wondering why so many. That is a lot of eggs. ANd I love the Wyondottes and the way they look and how I wish I had chose a Buff Orp. They are not only the cutest chicken but great personalities.
I love your coop and your “new to you” coop from the grandparents too. Way too cool. Your shabby chic decor is so pretty. Your new babies are adorable. Thanks for giving us such a nice tour and thanks for the great tip about pine shavings… Have a lovely week.
Great post! I love having a look at how other people keep their chickens. :o)
Thanks for visiting Cackles and berries..your chickens are beautiful and so are your photos.
Beth, what a LOVELY flock and coop! My favorite part is your new run to the other area… what a great idea! I just got 2 Salmon Faverolles and 2 Plymouth Rocks… 10 Blue Laced Red Wyndottes and 4 more Rhode Island Reds on the way at the end of the month. But Buffs have been a long time favorite around here!
Beth, what a great set up you have! Love that you put detail even in the coops to make them a special place. Your girls are beautiful! Thanks for sharing.
I didn’t get my pictures on yesterday, but I did take some pictures. It turned out to be a crazy day and I didn’t have the time.
I LOVE your chicken coop and you have a beautiful flock of birds! Chicks are so much fun! I’m sure your daughter loves having them, too! My kids love our birds. Our birds currently free-range, but I am getting tired of the messes they leave on the porches. There is a fence in their future.
It was a delight to stop by and see your Hen House. It is beautiful and so is your family. BTW my “Boaz” also pretends he doesn’t like chickens. You are going to LOVE the Orps! I have two, and you are so right, they are the Labrador of the chicken world. Blessings upon you, your home, family and your ministry.
What a lovely little tour! I love the decor in your coop – I would do the same thing, and my partner would also think I’m crazy. 🙂 This post made me even more excited to add chickens to our home in the next few weeks. 🙂