My little family had quite an adventure last night.  We are home safe and sound, but it was quite a trek to get here.

We were several hours away from home — hauling a large tractor on a trailer behind us — when BOOM!  “What was that?” I nervously asked my husband.  It sounded like we ran over something.  “Oh, a tire blew” he said calmly — as he continued to zoom down the interstate.  Gotta love men, stuff just doesn’t get to them like it does us women.  “A tire?!?!” I responded in surprise.  “We have another good tire rolling right beside of it — I’m not stopping” he said.  That is why he likes to pull a duel-wheeled trailer I suppose.

Over an hour passed and that remaining tire was really getting HOT.  It was holding an extra amount of weight on it.  It was going to get dark soon, so my husband decided to pull into a “Mom and Pop” looking TRAILER business.  Seriously, this place was in the country!  I would have never stopped at this place being a woman.  Ha.  It sort-of made me think of the movie DELIVERANCE, “We don’t want no trouble around here boy …” YIKES! 

I had been praying angels would protect this last hot tire as we made our way, but I really ramped up the praying as my husband entered into this shed garage.  We could hear someone working on a truck, but we couldn’t see his feet.  Just about the time my husband approached the truck we heard, “SON OF A” bleeeeeep.  Oh great, this isn’t good.  The man had been stuck under the hood of his truck and had just gotten out as we arrived.  He was not in the mood to help a stranger and pointed us to the nearest truck stop.  

Matthew 25:35
… For I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in;

I immediately thought of this scripture when the guy turned us away.  My husband even tried, “I have my wife and daughter in the truck” to see if he would have mercy, but he didn’t.

Hebrews 13:2
Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels.

I felt in my spirit that this man had missed out on a blessing.  God would have blessed him for helping three of His children.  I have no doubt.

So off we go to a truck stop.  My Boaz said, “I don’t like bringing my wife and daughter to a place like this.  You keep the truck locked and the pistol is here.”  We weren’t in the front building of the truck stop — we were behind it where the garage was located — way back behind all of the fuel pumps — behind all of the trucks.   For some reason that brought me to tears.  Was it his love and concern for us that triggered my tears?  I couldn’t figure out why I was emotional, but there have only been a couple of times when I had tears streaming down my face for no reason — and each time it was something of the Lord where danger was ahead of me (even if it was spiritual danger).  I began to pray in the Spirit and read God’s Word over us.   I also asked our Princess to be in agreement with me.  I held her little hand and we prayed that we would have favor and that the mechanic would help us.  

He was willing to help us and got us in within 15 minutes.  THANK YOU LORD.

After about 30 minutes of praying in the Spirit and reading God’s Word while the guy fixed our tire — we were off again.

After getting on the road we started driving right into an electrical storm.  God knew what was coming and now we had our NEW spare tire next to the one that had been carrying the burden for the past hour or more.  

The lightning danced across the night sky.  It looked like we were heading into a fire since the sky had a red glow ahead of us.  Was I praying?  Uh YES!  I’m sure my sweet husband was praying too, but he was remaining cool as a cucumber (southern sayin’) as we forged ahead.  

THEN the rains came!  Friends, I don’t mean a little rain either.  I mean rain that was so heavy and thick we could barely see the road.  What road we could see was blinded by the lightning.  The flashes were so bright and fierce that it made us see spots (as if someone had put a camera flash an inch in front of our eyes).  

We finally made it into town (what a welcomed sight!), but had to sit in our truck until the lightning ceased just a little to unlock our gate.  We finally started up our drive (attempting to haul the tractor up a steep hill), but it wouldn’t make it.  My husband knew he had to get out in the storm to unload the tractor (in the pouring) rain.  Lightning was crackling all around until my husband prayed, “Lord.  You know I have to unload this tractor.  Please protect me as I protect my wife and child.”  THE LIGHTNING STOPPED!  God did protect my Boaz and we FINALLY made it to our house.  THANK YOU LORD!  

I feel like the enemy may have had something planned for us, but each detour was in God’s Hand and in His timing.  I can also say that years ago when I was riding with my husband in a lightning storm – I freaked out just a bit (sarcasm there — I was terrified).  This time, I didn’t like it, but I knew God was with us through the storm.

Remember my last two posts have been about Dr. Sandra Kennedy?  Well, I received a book from her just minutes before getting on the road.  I had it with me to read while riding.  I HIGHLY recommend this little book!  It is entitled, “The MAGNIFICENT WORD of the LORD.”  Here is part of her introduction to wet your appetite:  

My heart’s desire is that you will fall in love with God’s Word the way that I and so many others have, and that you will discover the power that is contained in like no other.  Holding the Bible is like holding the truth of all the ages right in your hand.  Within its pages are the words of God.  The Bible is the only book you will ever read that will tell you the truth about God, who you are, why you are here, and how you should live.  And it speaks with the same authority as if God Himself were standing before you speaking it.  You can trust the Word of God to be your guide, your wisdom, your hope, and so much more.   Dr. Sandra Kennedy

If you would like to order this little book, here is her web site: Click here.

Have a super blessed Friday everyone!  

(Photo credits:  First picture is the section I was reading in Sandra Kennedy’s book while on the road.  Second picture is of my husband holding my hand when we traveled a few weeks ago.  Third is a picture of my copy of Dr. Kennedy’s book.)