My friend Pam at Pam’s Journey of Grace posted this story and I wanted my friends over here to see it as well.
Many of you participated in the RED ENVELOPE PROJECT and sent empty red envelopes to President Obama. If you aren’t familiar with this project, click HERE.
I wondered what ever happened since I hadn’t noticed anything on the news about our efforts.
From Washington, DC — A White House mailroom staffer has confirmed that nearly 2.5 million red envelopes have made their way to President Barack Obama to protest his pro-abortion record. The staff member says the campaign is one of the largest efforts he can recall in his 35 years working at the White House. Click here for the rest of the story!
Thank you Pam for posting this on your blog!
WOW! That is awesome!! I pray that this will reach Obama’s heart and he might see what he is doing is helping murder innocent babies.
I have so been wondering, too..And, can not understand why these results weren’t reported on the news.
I am taking this over to my blog to pass around the news…
Many thanks, bj
Thanks for posting Beth! Praise God! Also, I love your song My Redeemer lives, haven’t heard it in awhile, and I am putting it on my blog also!! That song makes me cry, of course, a lot of them do! love ya! God is so Good! Pam
Wow. I had wondered also how this resulted and what thoughts the White House had at the people’s voiced opinion. I hope it changes his mind and he listens to the people.
I am so glad to know this. Our whole Bible study joined in on this project.
Tonight Obama is hosting a Passover Seder. I’m praying that he will see Jesus in the scriptures and that his heart will soften.
I hope God will soften Obama’s heart and that he won’t overlook this amazing Red envelope project! Let God turn his heart like the watercourse guides the reed.
That is just awesome! Amazing what we can do!
Very awesome.
Yes indeed!!
I was aware of this and I saw it at Pam’s so thanks so much for posting it to. I am so blessed that we overwhelmed that office with a MESSAGE now let’s continue to pray for the message of LIFE to penetrate their hearts.
Love you.
Praise God! Praying that President Obama will have a change of heart regarding abortion.
Thanks so much for keeping us posted, Beth!
Beth E.
Thank you so much for the update. We did this with our church and it will be nice to give everyone an update. Thank you for sharing this with us! : )
Happy Easter friend!
WHOA, 2 million?!? That is AMAZING!!! Thanks for sharing!!