I look forward to Friday mornings because I can just write for 5 minutes without putting thought into what I’m going to write. Gypsy Mama provides the prompt and we write — no planning, no editing … just flow with it. Today’s prompt is: DELIGHT.
Start: 5:55am
Two things come to mind, “I delight in the Lord and in His Word” and the 70’s song, “Afternoon delight.” Wow, those couldn’t be more opposite could they? Ha. But actually the Lord gave me that song in a dream last year and it was a very encouraging, powerful dream. My DELIGHT was in Him!
Yesterday I had a discussion with someone dear to me. She feels pressure on all sides. In the natural, the financial burden of her family rests upon her and she feels trapped. She doesn’t see how she could ever get out of this situation. I pointed out that perhaps her physical situation isn’t going to change at the moment, but God could definitely change her perspective. (Have you ever had God change your perspective and things looked completely different?)
When we delight in the Lord, He grants us our heart’s desires!
She wants freedom!
She goes to church each Sunday, but admits that she never touches her Bible. She rarely listens to anything encouraging during the week, but only gets that little one and a half hour of “food” each Sunday morning. Most of her friends walk in worldly wisdom and she often seeks them for counsel.
She is starving spiritually …
God tells us that we cannot live off of bread alone, but we need His Word also.
Who can be encouraged enough to live a victorious life from one to two hours a week? No wonder she feels trapped and stressed! I have another friend who is in a much worse (in the natural) situation than the friend who needs a fresh perspective. This other lady fills her life with God, loves His Word, ministers to others even in her time of need, and is leaning on Him. She still has joy and is holding onto her possessions loosely because her DELIGHT is in the Lord.
God wants us to delight in Him.
Delight isn’t a word that we use on a regular basis, but to me it is stronger than JOY. Delight takes it a step beyond, as if JOY is EXPLODING within my heart!
I DELIGHT in the Lord. He IS my heart’s desire.
Do you need a new perspective today? Delight in Him and begin to see things shift.
Stop: 6:00am
Psalm 37:4
Delight yourself in the LORD and He will give you the desires of your heart.
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(Photo credit: delight)
I know women like this in my own life, worldy rich yet spiritually dry and starving, and worldly poor yet abundantly rich and joyful in the Lord above all. I have been that woman myself. God is so good to meet our needs if only we would just come and delight in Him. Thank you for sharing this reminder today.
Hello, Beth!
Clicked over from FMF. Good write.
Soooo, why do I think you are from NC and now I can’t find anywhere that says that? Anyway, I just signed up to do an IRL meet up group through (in)courage…since I know two writers in Asheville and that’s it, and I’d like to meet more. I forget where you are, but if you are anywhere close and are interested (or know someone who might be!) drop me a note.
[email protected]
As usual, we are on the same page (my blog is on perspective) Thanks for the encouraging words. Love you!!!
Now I will have that song buzzing in my head for the rest of the day – ha! Praise the Lord! Have a marvelously delightful day!
Beautiful, Dear, thank you.
Thank you for this beautifully honest post. I have been there, the one rich in wordly ways, yet starving for Him. I am so thankful He continues to delight in me as I learn to abandon myself fully and delight in Him!