"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future."
Do you trust?

Do you trust?

The Faith Barista asked us to write about TRUST in today's Faith Jam. When I began to think about trust, my mind immediately went to a statement I heard one of my closest friends make about 7 years ago.  She said, "Beth only allows a few people into her inner...

His Heart

His Heart <3

I love linking with the Internet Cafe each Wednesday to share God's Word with a photo. Proverbs 27:19 As water reflects a face, so a man’s heart reflects the man. I thought I would place this scripture with this photo.  What a precious heart for a manly man to sit and...

Tooting your own horn?

Tooting your own horn?

I didn't get a chance to read Proverbs 27 yesterday, so I read it today.  These scriptures prompted me to write this post: Proverbs 27:1-2 DO NOT boast of [yourself and] tomorrow, for you know not what a day may bring forth.  Let another man praise you, and not your...

It defiles and causes trouble.

It defiles and causes trouble.

I am linking with my friend Barbie at My Freshly Brewed Life for Fresh Brewed Sundays.  This is where we can share scripture with just simple insight. Hebrews 12:15 See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and...

I’m Attracted!

I’m Attracted!

Bonnie Gray, The Faith Barista, asked us answer this question:  What is one thing that attracts you to Jesus? When I think of my wonderful Savior, Deliverer, and Friend --  I think of a safe place. He is my safe place. When I was at a Gary Oates conference a year ago,...

Gluttons and Drunkards, oh my!

Gluttons and Drunkards, oh my!

Anything in excess knocks us out of balance.  Last summer when my mom was hospitalized, I completely got off track with the way I ate and monitored my food intake. By the end of the summer, it was time for our seasonal corn maze business (when we open our farm to the...