Burlap, Plaid, and Curious Chickens.
I thought I'd give you an update on my chickens. I haven't posted about them in quite a while. But first, let me show you the fake tree (I know, I know) that I decorated inside of our Christmas tree sale house. I am going with a country theme this year. I wrapped...
In My Heart
Psalm 119:10-11 I seek You with all my heart; do not let me stray from Your commands. I have hidden Your Word in my heart that I might not sin against You. God asks us to meditate on His Word and speak His Word. Scriptures guide us, protect us, teach us, and...
Refuse the Corruption!
Ahhhh, deep breath. Throughout the night I awakened to remember how many groups I had coming today. Was I prepared for the number of birthday parties? Do I have the employees scheduled? Mercy! It is OVER yet my mind was racing. The last dream I had before...
Do you hear what I hear?
Do you hear the shouts of joy coming from my house? TODAY, November 2nd, the last school group of our 2012 corn maze attended our farm. It is finally OFFICIALLY behind me for the year! Hallelujah! I am not normally a worrier, but we were scheduled to have 153...
Confession of a Hypocrite.
I feel like such a hypocrite! Last night I was dreading the Fiesta at our church. Why dread? Because I feel like it is celebrating Halloween though it is under the hope to reach the unchurched, the unbelievers, etc ... But in my heart, it just feels like an excuse...
Even the appearance …
1 Thessalonians 5:21-22 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil. I love fall! It has always been a wonderful season for me. My husband and I dated in the fall. We married in the fall. And our daughter was born near the...