Do we BEG God for healing?
What do you thinking about healing? My opinion has definitely changed over the years. I'm certain that when I first thought about the subject, I believed that I needed to BEG God. I am ashamed to even type that out, but I am being transparent. Why would I have...
Sam was silent, a lesson to learn.
Anyone in North Carolina has heard about the destruction of Silent Sam. Silent Sam was a statue erected in honor of all of the UNC alumni who died in the Civil War. I really haven't thought much about the statue because I'm not a big history buff and it really...
Are You on the Rapids?
The other day my friend was talking about the attacks from the enemy and she brought up an upcoming white water rafting trip. Immediately the Holy Spirit gave me an analogy of the waters and the guide. The waters represented the attacks of the enemy that can...
Tissue, Not Chains!
This morning I was worshipping the Lord and my thoughts went to those who struggle with fear. I saw this picture of someone bound by fear, but the bondage was actually tissue paper instead of chains! The battle is absolutely in our minds and the enemy CANNOT do...
A Holy Exchange!
A brother in Christ asked me to draw what I saw when listening to Michael W. Smith's song, Surrounded. All I could think of was swirls of music and great joy coming from the heart of the worshipper! Did you know that when you're feeling down you can offer a...
No Condemnation
Yesterday during worship my eyes were drawn to a lady sitting near me. She was beautiful and seemed very gentle. I saw a picture of her in my mind and this is what I saw. She was sitting in a dark room under a long light -- as if she was under interrogation. I...