Yesterday was awesome!
My daughter had a play date scheduled after school, so I didn’t have to be ANYWHERE until 3:30pm. That NEVER happens around here, so I was excited! What did I do with my free time you might ask?
Well …
I started a load of clothes then nestled down with my computer. I thoroughly enjoyed Sid Roth’s website. He has all of his past broadcasts (radio and TV) archived for our enjoyment. I spent the morning listening to his radio interviews with Dr. Cindy Trimm and then I enjoyed his interview with David Martin.
Dr. Cindy Trimm’s broadcasts stoked the fire of WORDS even more in my spirit. God is definitely giving me an even greater revelation about the power of our words, but also the power of speaking God’s Word over our lives. Of course I have ordered two of her books (you know me and my LOVE obsession with books)! I will share more once I delve into the knowledge hidden within those pages. I also ordered David Martin’s CD’s. I can hardly wait for these nuggets of wisdom to arrive in the mail!
I mentioned Cindy Trimm’s TV interview with Sid Roth to you the other day, but HERE are her radio interviews if you’re interested. I think you will enjoy them as well!
This is such an exciting time in history! Many of the prophetic voices today are talking about the woes coming in the natural to the world, but it is during this time that the Church will SHINE. We need to be prepared!
What are you doing to prepare your heart? Are you seeking the Lord? Are you feeding your spirit?
If you’re interested and you have time, you may want to listen to David Martin’s radio broadcasts with Sid. Click HERE to find David’s interview.
Since today is Friday, I want to take 5 more minutes to join 5 Minute Friday. The Gypsy Mama provides a topic for us to write about for 5 minutes. No critiquing, no planning … just write.
Today’s word is AWAKE!
Start: 8:44am
Wow, AWAKE is a great word for me right now! I feel like I am wide awake in the spirit. That might not make sense to some of you, but I think we all go through times of ebb and flow. Sometimes we are bogged down with the responsibilities of everyday life … totally surviving off of yesterday’s manna. But then there are seasons where God carves out precious time for us to grow our roots even deeper, peeling back layers that blind us. I love times like this when I seem to take steps forward in the spirit. Don’t you?
God is so good to us and He always meets us.
What a loving Father we have!
Now is not the time to sleep. Now is the time to get your heart ready and absorb as much of God’s Word as you can. We must know His Word to walk in the power of it. Right?
Awaken oh sleeper and rise!
I don’t want to be lulled to sleep by the things of this world. As a matter of fact, I feel myself losing interest in anything that isn’t pointing to God. I don’t want to be around those who spew negativity or garbage. Will you be around those who encourage your walk with the Lord or around those who pull you down?
Time is too short.
Are you awake?
Stop: 8:49am
Ephesians 5:8-17
For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light. This is why it is said:“Wake up, sleeper,
rise from the dead,
and Christ will shine on you.”Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.
For more 5 Minute Friday posts, please click on the button below.
lulled to sleep by the things of this world! me either. that is so well written!
Traci @ Ordinary Inspirations