Fearless Friday

Fearless Friday

I am linking with Angie at Free Spirit Haven to share prayer requests. Oh, I could fill up this page with requests. So many of our friends on here are hurting. I keep so many of you in my heart and prayers, but right now our country is at the forefront of my mind. As...
A Time to Live!

A Time to Live!

Ecclessiastes 3:1-8There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a...


It is Sunday morning and the house is quiet (for now). We have a full day ahead of us. Church, then the corn maze opens at 1pm.I miss you guys and I’m sorry I haven’t been visiting much. I have a lot of stuff going on around me that I would love to work...
SHMILY – children

SHMILY – children

Does everyone remember the challenge going around in June (I think) to pray for our husbands? Amy at Dandelion Seeds started the revolution. In case you don’t remember S.H.M.I.L.Y. is an acronym for “See How Much I Love You?” For the month of...
Controlling or what?

Controlling or what?

I hooked you didn’t I? I’m not really talking about someone who is controlling, though I do want to talk about control — SELF-CONTROL.Initially, I wanted to discuss self-control when I heard some scriptures on Sunday and thought about my LACK of...