This week’s discussion topic is:
Are My Motives Pleasing to You, God?

Here are some questions we were asked to ponder:

  • Do you go to church to fulfill an obligation?
  • Do you get involved to get a reaction from someone; possibly pity, recognition or even money?
  • Do you volunteer in your child’s classroom to analyze the new teacher or is it to help?
  • Do you share prayer requests for a chance to gossip or because you truly care and are praying?
I can say I have had different answers for these questions over the years. A few years ago I was in quite a few leadership positions and yes, I would say I was in those roles to fulfill an obligation. Though I felt led to serve in those roles, in due season it seemed more of an obligation. There was joy, but also obligation.

Now, I am in a “still’ season where I’m not serving in any roles. My husband has been holding my reigns and I’ve been obedient. However, I do feel like this season is coming to a close and I PRAY my heart will remain pure. I absolutely LOVE going to our church and I look forward to it each week. Honestly, it is like walking into a refreshing river! Can I shout, “I LOVE MY CHURCH?”

In the past I can honestly say I didn’t get involved in leadership roles to get a reaction or attention (because I never WANTED to be out in front), BUT after a while I saw the sin in my own heart. I could feel myself sitting on the edge of my seat just praying/waiting for a crumb to fall from my pastor’s hand. I did yearn for a pat on the back — a nugget of appreciation — something that showed I was making a difference. That was horrible and I pray that I am more mature at this point. I was such a rejected vessel and didn’t realize how wounded I really was.

If you don’t know you have issues — leadership positions will make them CLEAR AS A BELL!

If I were to volunteer in my child’s classroom, it would be out of guilt. I have never felt God’s leading to work with little ones, though I feel I SHOULD. I think it is expected to serve in the Children’s ministry if you have a child … (can you hear the guilt?).

I’m sure there are areas where my motives aren’t pure. We often do things out of our insecurities – hoping to have a need met. However, I do believe God has done such a healing work in me that I will see a different outcome as I serve now.

Prayer is an awesome privilege and I pray we would always use that tool with a pure heart. I pray my motives are always pure in sharing prayer requests. God will definitely need to show me if they aren’t.

It is my heart’s desire that God would reveal my true motives. He is so loving and kind to correct His children. Our flesh can certainly get in the way sometimes.

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